Use of an Interactive Whiteboard
This basically enables interaction from data on your computer to the board, making presentations more precise and interesting.
It could be on a floor stand or mounted on a wall.
It is a better way in presenting than the conventional ways like, the black board with chalk or the whiteboard with marker.
The use of this technology sets teachers free to use her or her own imagination and inscribe in the minds of students, the ability to be innovative and to set their minds free.
More and more classrooms, training rooms, studios, board rooms and more are using this tool.
Studies show that in by the year 2011, one classroom in every seven classrooms will utilize the use of an interactive whiteboard.
This statistic doesn't only involve the United States but the whole world.
Any software on the PC or laptop can be connected to interactive whiteboards.
While presenting, you can control your stature while standing in front of the board.
Some people even recognize and translate cursive writing.
Another exciting feature of these boards is promoting interaction with the audience.
An audio response system can be installed and data feedback from the listeners can be collected.
Making boring and long presentations obsolete, no more of those sleepy heads will fall down when you are presenting.
Investing on these boards may be costly but it is a good investment.
Whether you are a professional speaker, teacher or presenter, connection with the audience is important.
Clearer content and an increase in interaction would surely make presentations more interesting.
It could be on a floor stand or mounted on a wall.
It is a better way in presenting than the conventional ways like, the black board with chalk or the whiteboard with marker.
The use of this technology sets teachers free to use her or her own imagination and inscribe in the minds of students, the ability to be innovative and to set their minds free.
More and more classrooms, training rooms, studios, board rooms and more are using this tool.
Studies show that in by the year 2011, one classroom in every seven classrooms will utilize the use of an interactive whiteboard.
This statistic doesn't only involve the United States but the whole world.
Any software on the PC or laptop can be connected to interactive whiteboards.
While presenting, you can control your stature while standing in front of the board.
Some people even recognize and translate cursive writing.
Another exciting feature of these boards is promoting interaction with the audience.
An audio response system can be installed and data feedback from the listeners can be collected.
Making boring and long presentations obsolete, no more of those sleepy heads will fall down when you are presenting.
Investing on these boards may be costly but it is a good investment.
Whether you are a professional speaker, teacher or presenter, connection with the audience is important.
Clearer content and an increase in interaction would surely make presentations more interesting.