Cute & Creative Ways to Cover a Giant Hole in the Wall
- Borrow a trick from medieval kings and nobles and cover your unsightly wall hole with a hanging tapestry. Tapestries add a feeling of warmth and elegance to any space. Choose a style that complements the room's decor; simple geometric designs work well for a clean, modern style, while more intricate designs featuring artistic scenes may be appropriate in more formal spaces. A tapestry has the additional benefit of blocking drafts if the hole is in an outer wall.
- A bookshelf is a great way to cover up a hole in the wall, especially if it is located close to the floor, where wall art would look out of place. In many cases, it may be possible to simply move an existing bookshelf to the damaged area, allowing you to block the hole without spending any additional money. Remember, too, that shelves can hold more than just books. Consider displaying a collection of memorabilia or art objects instead.
- Bring a touch of the outdoors indoors by decorating over the hole in your wall with shutters. While it sounds unusual, exterior shutters lend an interesting combination of color and texture to an interior wall. Use a single shutter, two shutters that give the impression of a closed window, or tile the whole wall with interlocking shutters in different sizes, shapes and colors. Turn that unsightly hole into an interesting conversation piece by doing something different.
- If the hole is at shoulder height or above, you can't go wrong with a painting or print. Wall art is appropriate for any room, even a hallway. It can be as personal as a family portrait or as avant-garde as an abstract modern piece. Framed art can even be three-dimensional. Mixed media and collage draw the eye with their depth and different textures. Reliefs are essentially shallow sculptures designed to hang on a wall.
Framed Art