How to Rig a Fishing Line to Catch Cat Fish
- 1). Use a simple egg sinker rig when fishing from shore. Slide an egg sinker onto your main line, and then tie on a leader. Use a line, swivel and hook for the leader, or tie your line to the hook with a split shot, rather than the swivel, as a sinker stop. This will allow the bait to rest on the bottom so that the catfish feels no tension when it feeds on your bait. This rig is especially effective for still-water fishing, according to Game and Fish Magazine.
- 2). Use a bell sinker rig when bank fishing in catfish holding areas such as tail waters beneath a river dam. A 10- to 14-foot rod constructed of fiberglass will allow longer casts to spots farther away from you. Use a two- to four-ounce bell sinker that can slide freely on the fishing line above an 8/0 size circle hook.
- 3). Opt for a sliding sinker rig when drift fishing. Select a sinker slide and attach a three-way hook to the end of your fishing line. This rig allows the use of two hooks and two different baits. Prevent tangling by attaching 20-inch and 10-inch hook leaders. Use on waters with mud bottoms and avoid rocky areas because this rig snags easily.
- 4). Make a slip bobber rig when casting in shallow waters, especially during the spring and summer seasons. Thread a slip bobber onto the fishing line, then add a small plastic bead and tie it to a small barrel swivel. Use a leader, 18 to 24 inches in length, coupled with a 2/0 hook attached to your barrel swivel.