Reincarnation Is in Bible Prophesy
The after-life is heralded as a mystery that we will only know about when it happens.
That allowed it to be exploited by power mongering kings and big men who needed servants and followers willing to die for them.
In the case of the Maya, for instance, it was told to the very poor males that if they gave their lives in servitude to the king then they would be richly rewarded in paradise.
This was supposed to happen when the monarch died and took over as ruler of the eternal kingdom.
This contrast to what they had in life and what they could expect in death is still the carrot that sends many to war and even to become suicide bombers.
The facts are, however, that there is no paradise or heavenly kingdom.
This is just a make-believe dream to capture the minds of those who were willing to do the bidding of the one directing them.
With memory of my reincarnation there is only transit from one life to the next.
That means no heaven or hell and certainly no devil, angels or saints.
The earth is a sphere within many spheres and the space in which it sits it enormous but nowhere has anything supernatural or similar to what these places are purported to be has been found.
Daniel 12:11-13 speaks of reincarnation as standing in one's body at the end of days.
As there is no soul that religious philosophy has posited as part of our being there can be no after-life in the sense of what most expect.
The dead have no living nerves and can feel nothing.
That means that continuance of life must be in a living body if at all.
Verse 13 states that we should go to our rest and then stand in out lot at the end.
That makes sense in the light of my experience.
That allowed it to be exploited by power mongering kings and big men who needed servants and followers willing to die for them.
In the case of the Maya, for instance, it was told to the very poor males that if they gave their lives in servitude to the king then they would be richly rewarded in paradise.
This was supposed to happen when the monarch died and took over as ruler of the eternal kingdom.
This contrast to what they had in life and what they could expect in death is still the carrot that sends many to war and even to become suicide bombers.
The facts are, however, that there is no paradise or heavenly kingdom.
This is just a make-believe dream to capture the minds of those who were willing to do the bidding of the one directing them.
With memory of my reincarnation there is only transit from one life to the next.
That means no heaven or hell and certainly no devil, angels or saints.
The earth is a sphere within many spheres and the space in which it sits it enormous but nowhere has anything supernatural or similar to what these places are purported to be has been found.
Daniel 12:11-13 speaks of reincarnation as standing in one's body at the end of days.
As there is no soul that religious philosophy has posited as part of our being there can be no after-life in the sense of what most expect.
The dead have no living nerves and can feel nothing.
That means that continuance of life must be in a living body if at all.
Verse 13 states that we should go to our rest and then stand in out lot at the end.
That makes sense in the light of my experience.