Freckles Thewriter talks about her Career and Lovelife
Lesbian Life: Do you feel that becoming a recording artist has totally fulfilled your life’s purpose or is there something else you would like to do in the industry?
Freckles Thewriter: It’s so amazing how one opportunity opens up the doors for other things. I’ve been so behind the scenes and now that I’m saying I’m coming out, if you will, so many other opportunities are coming. I’m doing a reality show with Logo and VH1.I just talked with someone who wants me to write a sitcom pilot, and I said who are we going to get to play this part, and they said “You will play the part.” I’ve had so many opportunities since I moved to the front and I’m blessed. I was just asking someone; it is a little overwhelming to come to stage at this age in my life everything is happening at the same time, I asked my friend “Aren’t I a little old to be wishing upon a dream”, she said, “No you never stop dreaming”.
Judging from your video, you are quite the ladies, stud, I mean you are smooth attractive, charismatic, with major swag, how do you feel about being considered a sex symbol for the ladies?
I’m just going to absorb the love. I already have girls, I don’t have a problem getting girls (laughing) it might stroke my ego a little. I can’t lie. Luckily for me, I already got that problem (Lesbian Life & Freckles Laughing) I adore the love, I love pleasing and I love being the host so if I touch you and make you want to be around me that’s a good thing.People now will come up to me and say “Freckles I like you, can I hang out with you”, and I say “Yes come on babe,” because I have been there.
What is your goal for this project, are you seeking distribution, major investors, or enough of a buzz to get notice by the major labels?
Initially it was like just getting it out of my system, as I started doing the record I started creating a different sound, and I started having different people, different labels and people come in and listen and I started feeling like okay, you know what, let me just see where this goes. The video has moved so fast that now I’m like okay, at first it was just like I’m going to do an independent thing just to see what it does, now I’m at a little of a standstill because part of me wants to stay independent, the bigger side of me, being in the industry is like, I need to go a little bit more major and get the machine behind me.So I’m at a little caution sign, I’m just trying to figure it all out. I still want to look at what options are on the table. I really want to look at it for a while with Toby my manager to see where we want to go with it. The good thing about where I am is that I can walk into the labels heads and ask them to listen to the record. I’m waiting on God to give me the answer.
Our readers are going to want to know, are you in relationship?
I love women, I date women, I am currently single because I need a break from being in a relationship. I need a break to get myself together. I needed a break from being a part of that emotional thing. I’ve been in relationships almost all my gay life. I took the last two years off to really date and to really just see what it is that I want. We get into relationships so fast and we don’t even know the people. Now I get to know them, in three months I say to myself, “I am so glad I didn’t get in a relationship with her.” My last relationship was not productive, I allowed it to dictate my movement, and I had to get out of it.Are you attracted to femmes or stud/butch type women?
I’m attracted to beautiful women (laughing). I like femme women, just kidding. I’m not attracted to studs, but I like some femme women that are a little tomboyish. She’s still femme, but she may play basketball or something, but she’s not like me. But most of the time just pure femme.What’s next for Freckles Thewriter?
I’m finishing up the album, trying to put it all together to make sure that it’s out and that it’s received well for everybody, not just the gay world. Because as a lesbian I’m always going to have the battle of the church, so that’s the other thing that people do not get and don’t understand. There are things that you can and cannot do for people. I want to make sure everything is done tastefully. A lot of time artists get into doing music for themselves and not their customer or the listener. I am a women that’s attracted to women and I’m going to sing to women. I have to make sure that it’s done tastefully and that’s hard.Can we catch a live performance anytime soon?
I still need some time to work on inside of myself and to work things out with my crew.Where can our readers find out more about Freckles Thewriter?
Frecklesthewriter@facebook and frecksthewriter@twitter, I’m always on facebook I am not on twitter as much.