How to Buy a Car Online in Australia
- 1). Look for the type of car you want to buy on websites, such as Car Sales, eBay, Drive and Car Point (see Resources for links). Narrow down your search by applying search filters, such as minimum and maximum price range, category, make, model, body type and state.
- 2). Contact a website, such as Experian, to get a full report of the car history. Provide the website with the vehicle identification number of the car and you will get a complete report regarding its history. The report will include information such as the number of major accidents the car has been through, number of previous owners and so on.
- 3). Contact the owner of the car and request permission to take the car to the mechanic. Get your mechanic to check the whole vehicle carefully. If the mechanic approves of the car and doesn't find any problems, then you should consider going ahead with this deal.
- 4). Get information about the vehicle's warranty. You will not get a warranty if you are buying a car from a private owner, but you may be able to get one if you purchase from a dealer. The duration of warranty varies depending on the state's laws. Read Victoria's "lemon law" policy for vehicles in Resources below.
- 5). Find out the taxes that will be levied on the vehicle upon purchase. The registration taxes include stamp duty and registration transfer fee. Visit the website in Resources to determine the taxes you will bear on your car. For instance, according to, in Victoria, the registration tax on a car worth $40,000 will be around $1000, while in New South Wales it will be $1200, as of 2010.
Once you have obtained this information, give a green signal to the seller/dealer and make the payment.