How Set Up a Mooching Rod
- 1). Attach a baitcast reel to the reel seat of an 8- to 10-foot long baitcasting rod. Choose a rod with a medium heavy rating.
- 2). Pull the free end of a 25-pound test monofilament line through the rod tip and down through the line guides. Feed the line through the line guide on the front of the baitcast reel. Pull 8 inches of line around the spool of the reel.
- 3). Attach the monofilament line to the baitcast spool with an Arbor knot. Moisten the knot with saliva or water and pull the knot tight. Apply tension to the line and wind the line onto the reel spool. Fill the spool at least three-quarters full.
- 4). Cut the monofilament line 3 feet from the end of the rod tip with a pair of scissors. Tie a barrel swivel onto the end of the monofilament line with a Uni knot. Moisten the knot before pulling it tight.
- 5). Tie a mooching leader rig onto to the barrel swivel with a Uni knot. Clip the rig onto the barrel swivel if there is a swivel snap tied onto the top of the rig. Place a plug cut herring onto the hooks of the mooching rig for fishing.