Improving and Regaining Trust In a Marriage After Your Affair - Redeeming Yourself
Trust is an invaluable requirement for a stable marriage. Cheating puts all of your integrity under scrutiny. The task of restoring and regaining trust in a marriage may be impossible for some, especially if they have a history of betrayal. No trust in a marriage, is one that's falling deep into the abyss. How can you turn things around with regard to your spouse trusting you again? Is it already too late? Time to put things into perspective and find out what steps you can take, so your spouse can consider trusting you once more.
For trust, I like to use the analogy of a structure, which you have built, and those whom you have a high level of trust with, tend to enjoy being in the structure because it gives them a great level of comfort. It's also worth mentioning that there are different forms of trust, such as trust that a husband will have the well-being of his kids at heart. However, the kind of trust that will be the main focus of this article, is the trust that you will not cheat on your spouse.
When you are trusted with anything of importance, even if it isn't tangible, such as a secret, it means that they have evaluated your structure and consider it to be topnotch. Now when you get married, the level of trust your spouse has for you is at its pinnacle (otherwise your spouse wouldn't have married you in the first place). Cheating on your spouse, makes your structure uninhabitable. To have at least an iota of hope in regaining trust in a marriage, the structure has to undergo significant changes.
As the cheater in your marriage, rebuilding trust does not happen quickly. Your spouse is emotionally distressed, and isn't ready to forgive. There isn't a magic pill with regard to making your spouse trust you again. They aren't sure how to trust you after an emotional affair or a heavily intimate one. Of course, you need to understand the trauma your affair has caused. With regards to regaining trust, you must be very patient.
It's going to take patience to rebuild trust, and getting that trust structure to be considered secure again, is going to be a challenge. Regaining your spouse's trust is a gradual process, which requires you to be dedicated to making your marriage work.
You must be honest, transparent, open, respectful, and these are good traits you need to adopt continuously, if you hope to start regaining trust in a marriage after an affair. When communication takes place, you need to display the aforementioned values. Be understanding, show empathy, and respect for your spouse. You don't want to make matters worse in your marriage than it already is. Your spouse has feelings, it goes without saying that you need to respect them.
You must not tell any more lies. Not even white ones.. Your recent, present and future actions will be under your spouse's magnifying glass. The values you have adopted, must be perpetual. Don't ever forget that your structure for trust has to be revamped, and it takes great effort to do that. It will take a while before your spouse will want to have anything to do with the structure again, so don't commit actions that would derail your chances. Transparency must flourish in your marriage, so your spouse can see that you have no skeletons in the closet.
Even when you're displaying good values all the time, regaining trust in a marriage after you've cheated, doesn't come quickly. Hopefully, your spouse will give you and your marriage another go.
A More In-Depth Approach To Building Trust
Get step-by-step information on how to restore trust in a marriage.
For trust, I like to use the analogy of a structure, which you have built, and those whom you have a high level of trust with, tend to enjoy being in the structure because it gives them a great level of comfort. It's also worth mentioning that there are different forms of trust, such as trust that a husband will have the well-being of his kids at heart. However, the kind of trust that will be the main focus of this article, is the trust that you will not cheat on your spouse.
When you are trusted with anything of importance, even if it isn't tangible, such as a secret, it means that they have evaluated your structure and consider it to be topnotch. Now when you get married, the level of trust your spouse has for you is at its pinnacle (otherwise your spouse wouldn't have married you in the first place). Cheating on your spouse, makes your structure uninhabitable. To have at least an iota of hope in regaining trust in a marriage, the structure has to undergo significant changes.
As the cheater in your marriage, rebuilding trust does not happen quickly. Your spouse is emotionally distressed, and isn't ready to forgive. There isn't a magic pill with regard to making your spouse trust you again. They aren't sure how to trust you after an emotional affair or a heavily intimate one. Of course, you need to understand the trauma your affair has caused. With regards to regaining trust, you must be very patient.
It's going to take patience to rebuild trust, and getting that trust structure to be considered secure again, is going to be a challenge. Regaining your spouse's trust is a gradual process, which requires you to be dedicated to making your marriage work.
You must be honest, transparent, open, respectful, and these are good traits you need to adopt continuously, if you hope to start regaining trust in a marriage after an affair. When communication takes place, you need to display the aforementioned values. Be understanding, show empathy, and respect for your spouse. You don't want to make matters worse in your marriage than it already is. Your spouse has feelings, it goes without saying that you need to respect them.
You must not tell any more lies. Not even white ones.. Your recent, present and future actions will be under your spouse's magnifying glass. The values you have adopted, must be perpetual. Don't ever forget that your structure for trust has to be revamped, and it takes great effort to do that. It will take a while before your spouse will want to have anything to do with the structure again, so don't commit actions that would derail your chances. Transparency must flourish in your marriage, so your spouse can see that you have no skeletons in the closet.
Even when you're displaying good values all the time, regaining trust in a marriage after you've cheated, doesn't come quickly. Hopefully, your spouse will give you and your marriage another go.
A More In-Depth Approach To Building Trust
Get step-by-step information on how to restore trust in a marriage.