La Tzu Wu Wei and the Law of Attraction
For a person guided by Lao Tzu inner wisdom, there is an understanding that everything related to the mind is in one way or another associated with desire and attachment. It is either attachment to the seeking of knowledge or attachment to the world. Life is desire! There is no gray area. Attachment to obtaining things may make an individual selfish and arrogant. Attachment will cause them to look to build their ego and yet it may also cause them to live constantly in fear of losing what they have.
True wisdom does not come through intellectual understanding. It is only by detaching from the illusion created through the senses that one can see and know what truly is. This realization does not come about just by wishing it so. It is through love and the passion that comes with a mission, a life vision, which causes us to take off the blinders that block the truth.
Wu-wei and The Law of Attraction
In traditional Chinese philosophy, there is a concept known as Wu-wei - the action that does not-interfere. This is a natural result of mastering the mind. Wu-wei means that an individual can make things happen, and get results without unnecessary struggle.
• Wu-wei is the law of attraction, the concept of "build it and they will come" in the movies "The Secret" and "Field of Dreams."
The Law of Attraction is what you observe when a bird, floating on rising hot air with its wings spread out, rises higher and higher but never has to flap its wings.
• Wu-wei does not imply that there is value in doing nothing, rather, it is action without attachment, free of any Monkey Mind or emotional investment in the activity at hand.
• The law of Attraction implies going with the flow of natural law without trying to control that flow. This action through non-action is actually the path to emotional and material freedom.
Have faith in your ability to transcend any obstacle.
Personally, I have a belief that our inner wisdom will guide us even in our darkest moments and that we are never given more than we can handle. The support we need is always there through the asking.
Living life is the same as being in a school. You are never placed in situations that have lessons in them which are beyond your understanding. To believe this could happen is to lack faith, lose hope, and is the epitome of arrogance. It is only your resistance to reaching out to those who are willing to give you support and wisdom that causes you to lose faith and hope.
You will reach your next step either smoothly and voluntarily, or by kicking, screaming and getting dragged there.
" My goal is to help
True wisdom does not come through intellectual understanding. It is only by detaching from the illusion created through the senses that one can see and know what truly is. This realization does not come about just by wishing it so. It is through love and the passion that comes with a mission, a life vision, which causes us to take off the blinders that block the truth.
Wu-wei and The Law of Attraction
In traditional Chinese philosophy, there is a concept known as Wu-wei - the action that does not-interfere. This is a natural result of mastering the mind. Wu-wei means that an individual can make things happen, and get results without unnecessary struggle.
• Wu-wei is the law of attraction, the concept of "build it and they will come" in the movies "The Secret" and "Field of Dreams."
The Law of Attraction is what you observe when a bird, floating on rising hot air with its wings spread out, rises higher and higher but never has to flap its wings.
• Wu-wei does not imply that there is value in doing nothing, rather, it is action without attachment, free of any Monkey Mind or emotional investment in the activity at hand.
• The law of Attraction implies going with the flow of natural law without trying to control that flow. This action through non-action is actually the path to emotional and material freedom.
Have faith in your ability to transcend any obstacle.
Personally, I have a belief that our inner wisdom will guide us even in our darkest moments and that we are never given more than we can handle. The support we need is always there through the asking.
Living life is the same as being in a school. You are never placed in situations that have lessons in them which are beyond your understanding. To believe this could happen is to lack faith, lose hope, and is the epitome of arrogance. It is only your resistance to reaching out to those who are willing to give you support and wisdom that causes you to lose faith and hope.
You will reach your next step either smoothly and voluntarily, or by kicking, screaming and getting dragged there.
" My goal is to help