Six Common Sense Ways to Control Calories
Although many people are eating less fat than ever before, more people are overweight than ever before.
How could this be? The problem is people are not paying as much attention to their calorie intake.
Remember if you take in more calories than your body consumes then it will store the extra.
An easy way to tell you need to count calories is when your jeans continue to get tight.
Try some of these common sense tips for yourself.
Small portions Always fill your plate with a small portion, perhaps half of what you usually take.
You can always go back for seconds if you must.
Also, buy snacks in single portion servings instead of huge bags of potato chips or cookies.
This way you are not tempted to finish the bag that you started.
Do not deprive yourself This is especially true for those foods that you crave like cake or ice cream.
Instead of totally depriving yourself have a small slice or taste.
This will prevent you from the midnight raid on the refrigerator where you polish off the entire cake and eat the whole gallon of ice cream.
Fat-free is not the same as calorie-free Many fat-free foods are very high in calories as they tend to make up for the no fat by adding extra sugar.
Make sure you are reading the package labels carefully.
Eat slow Eat slowly and chew each bite at least 20 times.
Some people say the chew rule is up around 25 to 32 times but I just cannot handle that.
Actually what you are trying to do here is fully appreciate the taste and texture of each bite and also give you body time to realize it is full.
You should always stop eating immediately after you feel even a little full Skip the drinks Alcohol not only contains way too many empty calories but it also stimulates your appetite.
Therefore booze is wrong for you on two counts.
Eat regular meals Do not think that skipping a meal means you just saved yourself a load of calories.
Instead skipping any meal may set you up for overeating the next meal.
Try these simple tips and see if they work for you like they work for me.
Just make sure you do not cut your calories too much especially if you exercise routinely.
Dropping daily calorie counts too much can also give your body the wrong signal and make it think it is being starved where it will compensate by hanging on every single calorie.
How could this be? The problem is people are not paying as much attention to their calorie intake.
Remember if you take in more calories than your body consumes then it will store the extra.
An easy way to tell you need to count calories is when your jeans continue to get tight.
Try some of these common sense tips for yourself.
Small portions Always fill your plate with a small portion, perhaps half of what you usually take.
You can always go back for seconds if you must.
Also, buy snacks in single portion servings instead of huge bags of potato chips or cookies.
This way you are not tempted to finish the bag that you started.
Do not deprive yourself This is especially true for those foods that you crave like cake or ice cream.
Instead of totally depriving yourself have a small slice or taste.
This will prevent you from the midnight raid on the refrigerator where you polish off the entire cake and eat the whole gallon of ice cream.
Fat-free is not the same as calorie-free Many fat-free foods are very high in calories as they tend to make up for the no fat by adding extra sugar.
Make sure you are reading the package labels carefully.
Eat slow Eat slowly and chew each bite at least 20 times.
Some people say the chew rule is up around 25 to 32 times but I just cannot handle that.
Actually what you are trying to do here is fully appreciate the taste and texture of each bite and also give you body time to realize it is full.
You should always stop eating immediately after you feel even a little full Skip the drinks Alcohol not only contains way too many empty calories but it also stimulates your appetite.
Therefore booze is wrong for you on two counts.
Eat regular meals Do not think that skipping a meal means you just saved yourself a load of calories.
Instead skipping any meal may set you up for overeating the next meal.
Try these simple tips and see if they work for you like they work for me.
Just make sure you do not cut your calories too much especially if you exercise routinely.
Dropping daily calorie counts too much can also give your body the wrong signal and make it think it is being starved where it will compensate by hanging on every single calorie.