Excessive Facial Sweating
Excessive facial sweating or facial hyperhidrosis is not a very serious condition as it doesn't involve great a danger for the patient's life.
It can however be the cause of psychological disorders such as excessive shyness and social isolation.
Many patients suffer a great deal when they are not able to go through any social exchange without their faces becoming sweaty.
This disorder affects about eight million Americans according to statistics.
All of us sweat in ordinary amounts to get rid of undesired toxins.
Excessive facial sweating is a disorder of such vital function and it is basically caused by a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system.
This is what we usually cal facial hyperhidrosis or more commonly excessive facial sweating.
Excessive facial sweating may feel like the end of the world to may patients.
However, it is recommended that you look at it as what it simply is: a small problem you need to take care of.
Which leads me to the next point.
How do you treat facial sweating? The most effective option would be the Sympathectomy, which some people may not be comfortable with since it involves a small surgical intervention (even though it is pretty simple and patients are back at home the same day of the operation.
) Most of the other options to treat facial excessive sweating will not cure it 100%, but they can reduce it drastically to completely manageable levels.
The first advice I would give someone who doesn't want to opt for the surgical intervention is to design a personal diet and fitness plan.
Basically, the more fit you are, the less you will suffer from facial hyperhidrosis.
This is because of two main reasons: Overweight people tend to sweat more than average people due to higher body temperatures Toxins trapped in the body trigger sweating because the system attempts to get rid of such toxins, and sweating is a way of doing it.
So basically if you are fit and don't take in too many toxins, you've won half the battle.
It can however be the cause of psychological disorders such as excessive shyness and social isolation.
Many patients suffer a great deal when they are not able to go through any social exchange without their faces becoming sweaty.
This disorder affects about eight million Americans according to statistics.
All of us sweat in ordinary amounts to get rid of undesired toxins.
Excessive facial sweating is a disorder of such vital function and it is basically caused by a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system.
This is what we usually cal facial hyperhidrosis or more commonly excessive facial sweating.
Excessive facial sweating may feel like the end of the world to may patients.
However, it is recommended that you look at it as what it simply is: a small problem you need to take care of.
Which leads me to the next point.
How do you treat facial sweating? The most effective option would be the Sympathectomy, which some people may not be comfortable with since it involves a small surgical intervention (even though it is pretty simple and patients are back at home the same day of the operation.
) Most of the other options to treat facial excessive sweating will not cure it 100%, but they can reduce it drastically to completely manageable levels.
The first advice I would give someone who doesn't want to opt for the surgical intervention is to design a personal diet and fitness plan.
Basically, the more fit you are, the less you will suffer from facial hyperhidrosis.
This is because of two main reasons: Overweight people tend to sweat more than average people due to higher body temperatures Toxins trapped in the body trigger sweating because the system attempts to get rid of such toxins, and sweating is a way of doing it.
So basically if you are fit and don't take in too many toxins, you've won half the battle.