In Sickness and in Wealth?
It's true - women today have some pretty unrealistic expectations about men and marriage in general.
So if you're looking to get married any time soon, you're going to have to face the facts and accept that no man is perfect.
When we're out of the house, we look pretty presentable - we're smart and clean, polite and professional.
We'll open doors for you and buy you a coffee or a glass of wine, but in the house we are our own men.
By the time you get a hold of us, we're pretty well set in our ways - we like slouching in front of the sports channel with a few beers and a pizza.
And trust me, if our moms can't dissuade us - despite trying throughout our formative years - from scratching, belching and strewing our clothes around the floor, what makes you think you'll be any more successful? You - as a woman - are looking for a soul mate, a partner in life and in parenthood.
Men have to be good providers, DIY experts, part-time mechanics, gardeners, babysitters and who knows what else.
We have such an enormous number of roles to fill that it isn't always easy to make sure your needs are met.
The fact of the matter is that nearly all of us are 'Joe Average' - we'll make our own ways in the world, but, with the exception of a few of us, it will be to no great financial benefit.
We'll paint the fence, but with no great skill; we'll mow the lawn and still leave bits; and we'll change the oil, but still spill some on the drive.
As much as we'd like to please you, we aren't always able to live up to your high standards.
But we don't complain - well not too much - we just get on with life and we're eternally grateful for whatever it was that you saw in us.
We're grateful for whatever it was that made you say to yourself, "This is the one for me", because we really do need to be looked after.
And if, sometimes, we fall short of your expectations and life goals, it wasn't for lack of trying - you can be sure that we only got this far because of your support and encouragement.
We aren't looking for someone who will join us in our weekly sports rituals or even for someone who can keep up with our car-talk.
If you want to really make a man happy, give him some space and the freedom to do his own thing once in awhile.
Trust me, after a few weeks of his-and-hers mani-pedi nights, we're ready to beat a path out your back door.
Instead, be gentle with us when we leave messes around the house and resist the urge to be critical of our childhood friends and our lucky slippers.
We guys will never understand the reasons why you feel the need to marry, but we're incredibly grateful that you do because without you, we'd be lonely, hopeless creatures indeed.
So if you're looking to get married any time soon, you're going to have to face the facts and accept that no man is perfect.
When we're out of the house, we look pretty presentable - we're smart and clean, polite and professional.
We'll open doors for you and buy you a coffee or a glass of wine, but in the house we are our own men.
By the time you get a hold of us, we're pretty well set in our ways - we like slouching in front of the sports channel with a few beers and a pizza.
And trust me, if our moms can't dissuade us - despite trying throughout our formative years - from scratching, belching and strewing our clothes around the floor, what makes you think you'll be any more successful? You - as a woman - are looking for a soul mate, a partner in life and in parenthood.
Men have to be good providers, DIY experts, part-time mechanics, gardeners, babysitters and who knows what else.
We have such an enormous number of roles to fill that it isn't always easy to make sure your needs are met.
The fact of the matter is that nearly all of us are 'Joe Average' - we'll make our own ways in the world, but, with the exception of a few of us, it will be to no great financial benefit.
We'll paint the fence, but with no great skill; we'll mow the lawn and still leave bits; and we'll change the oil, but still spill some on the drive.
As much as we'd like to please you, we aren't always able to live up to your high standards.
But we don't complain - well not too much - we just get on with life and we're eternally grateful for whatever it was that you saw in us.
We're grateful for whatever it was that made you say to yourself, "This is the one for me", because we really do need to be looked after.
And if, sometimes, we fall short of your expectations and life goals, it wasn't for lack of trying - you can be sure that we only got this far because of your support and encouragement.
We aren't looking for someone who will join us in our weekly sports rituals or even for someone who can keep up with our car-talk.
If you want to really make a man happy, give him some space and the freedom to do his own thing once in awhile.
Trust me, after a few weeks of his-and-hers mani-pedi nights, we're ready to beat a path out your back door.
Instead, be gentle with us when we leave messes around the house and resist the urge to be critical of our childhood friends and our lucky slippers.
We guys will never understand the reasons why you feel the need to marry, but we're incredibly grateful that you do because without you, we'd be lonely, hopeless creatures indeed.