1 Hidden Secret to Win the Game of Love - The Perfect Time to Say "I Love You"
You love that girl.
You know you do.
You want to tell her before anyone else.
You don't want to lose her.
She is in your dreams.
She is everywhere.
So how and when to say "I Love You?" Not an easy job.
Love is a Game that You Must Win If you say I love you before you give her that engagement ring, you'll take all the suspense out of the story.
Love is a game that has to be won.
It can't be won if you show all your cards early.
Save some cards for the end.
"I love you" is your trump card that has to be played at the right moment.
You Never know The 3rd Player In this game you never know what will happen next? What if a 3rd player is introduced in the story? How are you going to get past him? What moves will you make to outperform him? Would you play by the rules? The Hidden Secret: Don't Chase! Be Chased If you want to win this game you must not be chasing anyone.
To be precise you are chasing her but to her it should seem that she is chasing you.
If somehow you make her feel this you are winning.
But if you are chasing her and she is running away from you, you are losing.
To avoid this you must save some cards for the finishing move.
You must make her feel that you are not needy.
You don't need her but she needs you.
You can only do that if you are playing on the same level with her.
To make her feel that way you must avoid saying I love you.
There are a hundred million ways in the world to prove I love you without saying it.
Get Her Forever Follow that secret if you want to get her for an eternity.
If you are not interested in playing the game of eternity, and are just playing for a night or two with her then sorry I have nothing to offer to you.
The Perfect Time The perfect time to say "I Love You" is when you present her the "Engagement Ring.
" Your Secret Pass to the Game of Love To make her chase you is easier said than done.
You need to know the "Basics of Love and Seduction" if you really want to outperform your competition.
You know you do.
You want to tell her before anyone else.
You don't want to lose her.
She is in your dreams.
She is everywhere.
So how and when to say "I Love You?" Not an easy job.
Love is a Game that You Must Win If you say I love you before you give her that engagement ring, you'll take all the suspense out of the story.
Love is a game that has to be won.
It can't be won if you show all your cards early.
Save some cards for the end.
"I love you" is your trump card that has to be played at the right moment.
You Never know The 3rd Player In this game you never know what will happen next? What if a 3rd player is introduced in the story? How are you going to get past him? What moves will you make to outperform him? Would you play by the rules? The Hidden Secret: Don't Chase! Be Chased If you want to win this game you must not be chasing anyone.
To be precise you are chasing her but to her it should seem that she is chasing you.
If somehow you make her feel this you are winning.
But if you are chasing her and she is running away from you, you are losing.
To avoid this you must save some cards for the finishing move.
You must make her feel that you are not needy.
You don't need her but she needs you.
You can only do that if you are playing on the same level with her.
To make her feel that way you must avoid saying I love you.
There are a hundred million ways in the world to prove I love you without saying it.
Get Her Forever Follow that secret if you want to get her for an eternity.
If you are not interested in playing the game of eternity, and are just playing for a night or two with her then sorry I have nothing to offer to you.
The Perfect Time The perfect time to say "I Love You" is when you present her the "Engagement Ring.
" Your Secret Pass to the Game of Love To make her chase you is easier said than done.
You need to know the "Basics of Love and Seduction" if you really want to outperform your competition.