Stock Photography Success
There already exist millions of images submitted by a few hundred-thousand photographers.
It would seem then that every subject has already been shot to death, right? Maybe, but the fact is that image buyers are always looking for new images and new ideas portraying all these subjects in different ways.
Media and technology is moving and changing so fast these days as designers strive to stand out in the ever-increasingly competitive marketplace.
Just the fact that your models are unique and different from those of other photographers will alone make your photos unique.
You have to put yourself in the seat of the photo buyer who is trying to find the right images that will send a particular message to their targeted market.
It may be a brochure, a website, a newsletter, or maybe even a book or calendar that they are creating.
Make yourself aware of all the media imagery calling out to you for attention everyday.
Whether you're at the bank, reviewing your postal mail, reading a magazine, or at a health clinic; stock photography is all around you.
A very effective technique to brainstorm fresh new ideas is to make a list of one-word related keywords under one common subject.
For instance, under the subject of health you could come up with the following keywords: stroke, disease, age, elderly, young, flu, h1n1, osteoporosis, cough, headache, cripple and on and on you could go.
When you look at your list think of all the different ways you can conceptually and/or literally represent each word.
You'll find that the possibilities are limitless.
It would seem then that every subject has already been shot to death, right? Maybe, but the fact is that image buyers are always looking for new images and new ideas portraying all these subjects in different ways.
Media and technology is moving and changing so fast these days as designers strive to stand out in the ever-increasingly competitive marketplace.
Just the fact that your models are unique and different from those of other photographers will alone make your photos unique.
You have to put yourself in the seat of the photo buyer who is trying to find the right images that will send a particular message to their targeted market.
It may be a brochure, a website, a newsletter, or maybe even a book or calendar that they are creating.
Make yourself aware of all the media imagery calling out to you for attention everyday.
Whether you're at the bank, reviewing your postal mail, reading a magazine, or at a health clinic; stock photography is all around you.
A very effective technique to brainstorm fresh new ideas is to make a list of one-word related keywords under one common subject.
For instance, under the subject of health you could come up with the following keywords: stroke, disease, age, elderly, young, flu, h1n1, osteoporosis, cough, headache, cripple and on and on you could go.
When you look at your list think of all the different ways you can conceptually and/or literally represent each word.
You'll find that the possibilities are limitless.