How to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight
It is is quite common to see people start on a weight loss program only to lose interest within a few days.
These people suffer from a lack of motivation.
If you have been a culprit, keep in mind that you need to be able to stick with your program long-term to shed that additional weight off your body.
In any case,you must have invested time and money in the weight loss program so it makes sense not to let it go to waste.
In order to motivate yourself, keep your expectations reasonable and manageable.
Focus on short term goals since they are more realistic.
Set yourself targets that can be realistically achieved like losing two pounds in one week.
Try and focus on what you are doing rather than just your weight.
Keep track of the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you burn throughout the day.
This will help you to stay motivated.
Visualize how you would like yourself to look after losing weight.
This mental image of a slimmer and more attractive you can act as a great motivator.
If you find it hard to create a mental picture, pin up a picture of someone whose body you admire.
Mentally push yourself to achieve the same look.
With constant repetition, you will actually start believing that you can reach your goal.
It is easier to motivate yourself to exercise and diet when you have another person also accompanying you.
Studies have shown that those who work out with partners tend to stick on to their weight loss regimens longer.
This is because having a partner kills boredom and acts as a motivating factor.
In the absence of a partner, you could consider enrolling in a support group.
This will help you discuss your problems with other people who are likely to be in a similar situation.
Seeing others faced with similar issues will help you stay focused and keep on track.
In times when you feel your interest waning, a support group helps in reviving the interest and getting you motivated again.
You should also give yourself a pat on the back every time you achieve a goal.
Promise yourself a treat every time you accomplish a target.
However, makes sure the treats are not food related.
Do not go out and binge on food just because you've reached a goal.
Instead reward yourself with a visit to the spa or get yourself a manicure.
These people suffer from a lack of motivation.
If you have been a culprit, keep in mind that you need to be able to stick with your program long-term to shed that additional weight off your body.
In any case,you must have invested time and money in the weight loss program so it makes sense not to let it go to waste.
In order to motivate yourself, keep your expectations reasonable and manageable.
Focus on short term goals since they are more realistic.
Set yourself targets that can be realistically achieved like losing two pounds in one week.
Try and focus on what you are doing rather than just your weight.
Keep track of the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you burn throughout the day.
This will help you to stay motivated.
Visualize how you would like yourself to look after losing weight.
This mental image of a slimmer and more attractive you can act as a great motivator.
If you find it hard to create a mental picture, pin up a picture of someone whose body you admire.
Mentally push yourself to achieve the same look.
With constant repetition, you will actually start believing that you can reach your goal.
It is easier to motivate yourself to exercise and diet when you have another person also accompanying you.
Studies have shown that those who work out with partners tend to stick on to their weight loss regimens longer.
This is because having a partner kills boredom and acts as a motivating factor.
In the absence of a partner, you could consider enrolling in a support group.
This will help you discuss your problems with other people who are likely to be in a similar situation.
Seeing others faced with similar issues will help you stay focused and keep on track.
In times when you feel your interest waning, a support group helps in reviving the interest and getting you motivated again.
You should also give yourself a pat on the back every time you achieve a goal.
Promise yourself a treat every time you accomplish a target.
However, makes sure the treats are not food related.
Do not go out and binge on food just because you've reached a goal.
Instead reward yourself with a visit to the spa or get yourself a manicure.