How to Introduce Food Groups to Pupils
- 1). On a table or counter, set out one sheet of each color of paper. Use a full sheet for each color except yellow. Use only half a sheet of yellow paper.
- 2). Use the marker to write a food group name on each sheet of paper. Orange: grains; Green: vegetables; Red: fruit; Blue: dairy/milk; Purple: meat and beans; Yellow: fats and oils. The USDA food pyramid is divided into these six food groups.
- 3). On another table or counter, randomly arrange the food items. Do not place similar food items together.
- 4). Ask your pupils to gather near the table or counter with the colored paper. Explain what food groups are represented by each color.
- 5). Explain that you will be playing a matching game. Ask your pupils to press the buzzer or bell when they know the answer rather than shout it out.
- 6). Hold one of the food items in your hand and ask to which food group it belongs. Have the student who answers then place it on the coordinating colored sheet. Continue the activity for each food item.
- 7). Ask the group if there is anyone who thinks there is an item in the wrong food group. If there is, discuss it with the group and come to a decision about where the item belongs.
- 8). Ask if anyone has questions. Explain that it is important to eat "every color, every day" and that you need to eat more foods in some groups (orange, green, red, and blue) and fewer foods in others (yellow and purple).
- 9). Divide the food items into small portions and let the students eat them.