Afraid to Enjoy Life When the Pains Go Away
In the 2.
5 years since I was diagnosed but actually 3 years since this whole thing started.
I have had many many bad days, weeks, months.
I have had break through good days also.
The first year I didn't have that many but the second year I started having good days and even good weeks.
I know that everyone's MS hits everyone differently but even from the poll's I have done we share a lot of the same symptoms.
The point I am trying to make is that when all of a sudden you have a couple days in a row that you feel good or even great it is hard to enjoy it.
You kind of are taken back and yet you are in such a routine of feeling bad that you don't know how to deal with it.
A lot of times by the time you even realize that you are feeling good it's the end of the good days.
I know that I am so used to coming home and being in bed most of the rest of the day with severe pains and spasms and fatigue.
And then I have GREAT days and I come home and climb into bed and maybe fall asleep for a hour or two and then I am wide awake.
Rip Roaring Ready to go.
But yet I find myself staying in bed enjoying the NON-PAIN.
Afraid that if I get up and do something that I will suffer later.
It is a crazy feeling.
I am currently on week 3 of being out of my exacerbation.
I feel really good.
I am working full days at work.
Yes I am exhausted and the normal symptoms are present but the fatigue is slowly fading.
But because of my normal routine I don't know how to break the cycle of coming home and being in bed because that is what I am so used to.
Plus I have the fear that if I don't stay with that routine the good days will come to an end.
5 years since I was diagnosed but actually 3 years since this whole thing started.
I have had many many bad days, weeks, months.
I have had break through good days also.
The first year I didn't have that many but the second year I started having good days and even good weeks.
I know that everyone's MS hits everyone differently but even from the poll's I have done we share a lot of the same symptoms.
The point I am trying to make is that when all of a sudden you have a couple days in a row that you feel good or even great it is hard to enjoy it.
You kind of are taken back and yet you are in such a routine of feeling bad that you don't know how to deal with it.
A lot of times by the time you even realize that you are feeling good it's the end of the good days.
I know that I am so used to coming home and being in bed most of the rest of the day with severe pains and spasms and fatigue.
And then I have GREAT days and I come home and climb into bed and maybe fall asleep for a hour or two and then I am wide awake.
Rip Roaring Ready to go.
But yet I find myself staying in bed enjoying the NON-PAIN.
Afraid that if I get up and do something that I will suffer later.
It is a crazy feeling.
I am currently on week 3 of being out of my exacerbation.
I feel really good.
I am working full days at work.
Yes I am exhausted and the normal symptoms are present but the fatigue is slowly fading.
But because of my normal routine I don't know how to break the cycle of coming home and being in bed because that is what I am so used to.
Plus I have the fear that if I don't stay with that routine the good days will come to an end.