Florida Youth Empowerment Grants
- The nonprofit organization, Aqua Foundation for Women, awards other nonprofit organizations in south Florida with grants of up to $20,000 which empower equality of lesbian, bisexual and trans-gender women. Winning recipients may use the award for programs focused on youth empowerment through the production of films, self-esteem courses, conferences and other programs.
- The Walt Disney Co. awards Florida organizations grants for programs that strengthen academic and emotional wellness to empower youths. Disney seeks organizations that help youths connect with compassionate adults who encourage youths to be active leaders in the community. The grant amounts vary based on the needs of the organization's programs.
- Getting ready for college may be especially daunting for Florida's youths leaving foster care. To empower foster care youths academically, the state's Federal Pell Grant program provides financial aid programs to cover the cost of tuition, books, room and board for both full and part time students. The foundation takes into consideration the student's financial need, his financial contribution, and the cost of the program for the grant. Students may qualify for a maximum award of $5,550 for 12 credit hours (see Resources).
- The Florida Department of Education awards grants to organizations with programs focused on mentoring and student assistance initiatives. The programs must empower youths to become successful emotionally, academically and socially and improve youth academic performance and reduce dropout rates. Programs may offer tutoring and practical support to help develop self-confidence. The amount of the grant varies based on the organization's individual needs.
Aqua Foundation for Women Grants Program
Disney Helping Kids Shine Grant
Federal Pell Grant
Florida Department of Education State Grants