Doberman Pinchers and Children
- As with most breeds, socializing the Doberman from a young age is important. This helps the dog learn not to be aggressive towards strangers, other dogs and, most importantly, the kids. If the kids grow up with the dog from when it is a puppy and the interaction between them is monitored they will be closely bonded and learn boundaries of behavior. If kids come along later, when the dog is older, an early foundation of socializing means the dog will be well behaved.
- Dobermans are not large dogs but they are powerful and not as tolerant as some breeds. Because of this, small children who may try to grab at the dog, pulling ears or poking it in the face may be at risk. Older kids who know the boundaries of what the dog will accept and what they can do are best suited. Also, older kids are less likely to be accidentally knocked over than younger ones.
- In training a Doberman, it is important to establish dominance over them confidently. By doing this the dog respects the owner and protects what the master holds dear. Subsequently, they will not be aggressive to younger members of the family. A problem may arise if the kids are scared of the dog, however, as the animal may try to assert its dominance over them.
- The pack mentality of Dobermans is in tune with that of wolves in that a lower rank animal helps protect the pups. In the case of a family home, the pups are the kids and the dog can sometimes be over protective. Sudden movements toward a child by someone the dog does not know well may result in aggressive protective behavior. Rough play between kids can also cause the dog to become protective. These kinds of behaviors have to be watched for and discouraged to avoid accidents.
Early Socializing
Ideal Ages