Sample Cover Letter 2 - Entry Level Position
Sample Cover Letter
Use this sample cover letter when you do not have a contact name to address your application to.
Your street address (line 12)
City, State, zip
Month Day, Year (current date)
Balance the letter on page by adjusting the spacing here. Even if you are applying electronically, the employer may print this out to read, so it should look nice.
ABC Company
Company Street Address
City, State, zip code
I read with interest your advertisement for engineering positions at ABC Company.
Your company is one of the leaders in the electronics industry, and I am interested in being employed by a company with your background.
Enclosed is a copy of my resume that details my academic qualifications and practical experience gained through the cooperative education program. As you can see from my resume, I have a firm foundation in electrical engineering.
Thank you for taking your time to review my resume. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my education, practical skills, and background would qualify me to be a member of the ABC Company.
Please contact me at 555-555-5555 or to set up a time for an interview. I look forward to hearing from you.
(3-4 blank lines)
Your Signature goes here if sending hard copy. Then 3 blank lines
JOHN JONES (your typed name, in caps)
Use “Enclosure” at the end if you are submitting your cover letter and resume via hard copy. If you are submitting via email, change this word to “Attachment” instead.
If you have some work experience, you will want to use a different cover letter format.
See Cover Letter Samples for ideas.