How to Keep God in Mind With Politics
A leader has two choices a) to dictate or b) to listen.
Indelibly linked to listening is ones spiritual essence and consequently it is impossible for any leader addicted to the influences of religion to connect with the spirit.
Religion is the bread and butter of human dogma but it is not the encyclopedia to enrich the soul.
Only by exiting the human form may one arrive at true leadership qualities because, Divine Intelligence is the fountain from which the spring to leadership qualities may be obtained.
The mundane of politics is all about serving not about power, as some seem to believe it is and as such often times they fail to get re-elected.
Jesus is probably the greatest from whose examples we may learn regarding leadership because if ever anyone had the power to lord it over everyone He did.
'Hold firm my steps upon your path, that my feet may not stumble.
' Psalm 17:5 Jesus chose to serve because that was the message he wanted his apostles to learn and apply in their work as preachers.
When Peter challenged Jesus' desire to wash the apostles' feet Jesus chastised him because he wanted to reinforce the message that what he did so too must the disciples.
John 13:8 Politicians are shepherds with the task of the temporal versus the spiritual good of their supporters.
However if a politician is not in tune with his spiritual essence he shall never fully accomplish the tasks his privileged positions demands of him.
To reflect on the laws of the land and assess whether they are actually serving the purpose of the people irrespective of wealth or position commands a reflective spirit and one which few statesmen possess but are remembered forever.
What good is wisdom if politicians decline to use it wisely thus unearthing honourable treasures that may have otherwise been undiscovered? Everything always reverts to history because it is the wonderful teacher and while we may desire not to repeat the bad there is a lot of good that is worth remembering.
For every mistake that cabinets of governments make there are numerous lessons they could have learned thus reducing their mistakes had they taken to time to listen to the words of the wise that walked before them.
There are two main types of wisdom a) Human and b) Divine and the measure of interpretation of the former is complimented by the connection through understanding of the second.
Divine wisdom is the light that guides our stars and our universe thus, the more we understand it the clearer shall be the road ahead of us.
To walk among the treasures of politics and deny the existence of God is like trying to cook a dinner without turning on the electricity, even if it is a gas cooker.
The laws of the land and the laws of God march side by side and never shall success greet ones counsel if the gap between the two is widened especially if width is gradually increasing.
It shall indeed serve politics well if the spark of enlightenment triggers the flames of power with discernment and the people are never ridiculed or insulted with abominable disservice.
The sad part is that the best statesmen ever known either died suddenly, were assassinated or were victims of the injustice of immoral tyranny.
Some though did live to ripe old age and from these we may learn and amass fountains of knowledge because they found the key.
We all know what happens as the woes of our world currently bounce the length and breadth of our planet.
We are aware that it is time for politics to reacquaint with the pleasurable guidance of God and his wisdom.
'A well tended-tree is shown by its fruits so a man's feelings can be detected in what he says.
' Sirach 27:6
Indelibly linked to listening is ones spiritual essence and consequently it is impossible for any leader addicted to the influences of religion to connect with the spirit.
Religion is the bread and butter of human dogma but it is not the encyclopedia to enrich the soul.
Only by exiting the human form may one arrive at true leadership qualities because, Divine Intelligence is the fountain from which the spring to leadership qualities may be obtained.
The mundane of politics is all about serving not about power, as some seem to believe it is and as such often times they fail to get re-elected.
Jesus is probably the greatest from whose examples we may learn regarding leadership because if ever anyone had the power to lord it over everyone He did.
'Hold firm my steps upon your path, that my feet may not stumble.
' Psalm 17:5 Jesus chose to serve because that was the message he wanted his apostles to learn and apply in their work as preachers.
When Peter challenged Jesus' desire to wash the apostles' feet Jesus chastised him because he wanted to reinforce the message that what he did so too must the disciples.
John 13:8 Politicians are shepherds with the task of the temporal versus the spiritual good of their supporters.
However if a politician is not in tune with his spiritual essence he shall never fully accomplish the tasks his privileged positions demands of him.
To reflect on the laws of the land and assess whether they are actually serving the purpose of the people irrespective of wealth or position commands a reflective spirit and one which few statesmen possess but are remembered forever.
What good is wisdom if politicians decline to use it wisely thus unearthing honourable treasures that may have otherwise been undiscovered? Everything always reverts to history because it is the wonderful teacher and while we may desire not to repeat the bad there is a lot of good that is worth remembering.
For every mistake that cabinets of governments make there are numerous lessons they could have learned thus reducing their mistakes had they taken to time to listen to the words of the wise that walked before them.
There are two main types of wisdom a) Human and b) Divine and the measure of interpretation of the former is complimented by the connection through understanding of the second.
Divine wisdom is the light that guides our stars and our universe thus, the more we understand it the clearer shall be the road ahead of us.
To walk among the treasures of politics and deny the existence of God is like trying to cook a dinner without turning on the electricity, even if it is a gas cooker.
The laws of the land and the laws of God march side by side and never shall success greet ones counsel if the gap between the two is widened especially if width is gradually increasing.
It shall indeed serve politics well if the spark of enlightenment triggers the flames of power with discernment and the people are never ridiculed or insulted with abominable disservice.
The sad part is that the best statesmen ever known either died suddenly, were assassinated or were victims of the injustice of immoral tyranny.
Some though did live to ripe old age and from these we may learn and amass fountains of knowledge because they found the key.
We all know what happens as the woes of our world currently bounce the length and breadth of our planet.
We are aware that it is time for politics to reacquaint with the pleasurable guidance of God and his wisdom.
'A well tended-tree is shown by its fruits so a man's feelings can be detected in what he says.
' Sirach 27:6