Attraction - 3 Don"ts to the Law of Attraction
You may have heard of a lot of things that you need to do to get the law of attraction to work for you but sometimes it's just as important to know the don'ts as well.
You can be doing a lot of things right but sometimes just having one area in your life where you are missing it can be holding you back.
Here are 3 don'ts to the law of attraction.
Don't doubt yourself.
Doubting yourself is one of the fastest ways to back track on the success that you have made up to this point.
You see if you begin to doubt yourself you will undermine what you are doing.
If you doubt yourself to much you may start to believe that you can't do something.
Once you believe it then it's hard to attract something that you think you can't do.
Don't go back to old ways.
Once you have reached some of your goals and dreams in life it is easy to think that you can go back to doing some of the same things you used to do.
You might think that you are strong enough to handle them now and that they won't affect you.
By now you should know better then that.
If you surround yourself with the old ways you will soon be getting the old results.
Don't stop growing.
A common thing to do once you have reached you goals and certain successes in life is to stop growing.
You may think that you don't have to grow anymore since you have what you wanted.
The problem with that is once you stop growing you begin to atrophy.
Once you start going backwards you may find that the successes that you have achieved aren't as easy to keep any more.
Whatever you do don't stop growing yourself.
You can be doing a lot of things right but sometimes just having one area in your life where you are missing it can be holding you back.
Here are 3 don'ts to the law of attraction.
Don't doubt yourself.
Doubting yourself is one of the fastest ways to back track on the success that you have made up to this point.
You see if you begin to doubt yourself you will undermine what you are doing.
If you doubt yourself to much you may start to believe that you can't do something.
Once you believe it then it's hard to attract something that you think you can't do.
Don't go back to old ways.
Once you have reached some of your goals and dreams in life it is easy to think that you can go back to doing some of the same things you used to do.
You might think that you are strong enough to handle them now and that they won't affect you.
By now you should know better then that.
If you surround yourself with the old ways you will soon be getting the old results.
Don't stop growing.
A common thing to do once you have reached you goals and certain successes in life is to stop growing.
You may think that you don't have to grow anymore since you have what you wanted.
The problem with that is once you stop growing you begin to atrophy.
Once you start going backwards you may find that the successes that you have achieved aren't as easy to keep any more.
Whatever you do don't stop growing yourself.