Raising Kids - Are You Making Life Difficult for Your Child?
Raising kids is never easy. But are you responsible for making it harder than it should be? Many parents fall into this trap and are making life increasingly difficult for their children. But it need not be that way. Get it right and raising kids will be the most rewarding thing you will ever do.
Kids of these parents are easily recognised. They regularly arrive late to school and look like they slept in their school clothes. They haven't completed the homework that was supposed to be done last night and the school excursion note that was due today remains unsigned in their school bag. None of their personal belongings are named and every other day something they own will go missing. They are never sure who is picking them up after school or if they should be catching the bus. Their teacher sees them as problematic and classmates avoid them because they are always getting into trouble.
Behind the child is a disorganised parent who leaves everything to the last minute and sees nothing wrong with turning up late to an appointment. This parent has no time to read the school newsletter and will never know that tomorrow is plain clothes day or that Monday the students have a pupil-free day. This parent talks to their child a lot but never really listens to them.
These aspects of disorganisation affect all of us from time to time but when they become part of our everyday functioning then the effect on our kids can be devastating. Children of these parents will likely never learn the skill of preparing ahead for each day. As a result they will approach life with the anticipation that something could and probably will go wrong. By doing this we take away their carefree approach to life that every child should experience in their early years and beyond.
The good news is that if this is your family then it is never too late to change. Get organised, learn to pre-plan, think ahead for the sake of your family and start experiencing the peace that comes with knowing that you have most, if not all, bases covered. You will pass on those life-long skills to your children and they will thank you for it. Raising kids will be fun again.
Kids of these parents are easily recognised. They regularly arrive late to school and look like they slept in their school clothes. They haven't completed the homework that was supposed to be done last night and the school excursion note that was due today remains unsigned in their school bag. None of their personal belongings are named and every other day something they own will go missing. They are never sure who is picking them up after school or if they should be catching the bus. Their teacher sees them as problematic and classmates avoid them because they are always getting into trouble.
Behind the child is a disorganised parent who leaves everything to the last minute and sees nothing wrong with turning up late to an appointment. This parent has no time to read the school newsletter and will never know that tomorrow is plain clothes day or that Monday the students have a pupil-free day. This parent talks to their child a lot but never really listens to them.
These aspects of disorganisation affect all of us from time to time but when they become part of our everyday functioning then the effect on our kids can be devastating. Children of these parents will likely never learn the skill of preparing ahead for each day. As a result they will approach life with the anticipation that something could and probably will go wrong. By doing this we take away their carefree approach to life that every child should experience in their early years and beyond.
The good news is that if this is your family then it is never too late to change. Get organised, learn to pre-plan, think ahead for the sake of your family and start experiencing the peace that comes with knowing that you have most, if not all, bases covered. You will pass on those life-long skills to your children and they will thank you for it. Raising kids will be fun again.