Got a Spare USB Flash Drive? Why Not Use it Like an MP3 Player?
It may sound strange to want to use a USB flash drive like an MP3 player, but how about if you work on several different computers and want to instantly play your favorite tracks? Not all the computers you use may have a software media player already installed and so you'll need some way of playing your MP3s. By using a portable version of a media player (e.g. - VLC player, Winamp, etc.) you'll be able to listen to MP3s straight from your USB memory stick.
You could argue that MP3 players, PMPs, and other portables could be used for this purpose, but they often come with USB transfer cables, earbuds, etc., which you may not necessarily want to carry around. If you just want portability from computer-to-computer, then a USB stick in combination with a portable music app could be the answer.
For more information on how to use a USB flash drive like an MP3 player, read our tutorial on How to Make a Portable Version of Winamp for a USB Flash Drive. In fact, why stop there? There's no reason why you can't apply this same method for use on an external USB hard drive too.
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