The Good and Bad of Estrogen Replacement Therapy
As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.
Hysterectomy is always the last resort in treating endometriosis for women who have exhausted all treatments without success, or if endometrial tissues has become cancerous, her doctor may suggest some types of hysterectomy.
After having endometrial hysterectomy, women will be given the choice of estrogen replacement therapy.
In this article, we will discuss the good and bad of estrogen replacement therapy after endometrial hysterectomy.
Hormone replacement therapy is always a very controversy subject, you can easily find thousands of people who agree with it and thousands of other people do not.
Both agree that endometrial hysterectomy is necessary if the endometriosis is in progression state or if the woman has exhausted other treatments, or if endometriosis has become cancerous.
The good of estrogen replacement therapy 1.
It helps to normalize the level of estrogen caused by removal of ovaries that regulate the level of estrogen in the woman's reproductive system.
It helps to reduce symptoms of menopause caused by low level of estrogen in the body.
It helps reduce stress and depression to women who cannot adapt to her new life cycle as well as helping to rebuild confidence and self esteem.
It helps to decrease the risk of bone loss due to inability of digestive absorption because low levels of estrogen reduce level of stomach acid that is necessary for breaking down foods that enter our digestive system.
Increases sexual desire in some women.
The bad of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) 1.
Study from US Woman's Health Initiate (WHI) shows that estrogen replacement increases the risk of breast cancer.
Increases the risk of blood clots in deep veins.
Increases the risk of ovarian cancer for women who do not have their ovaries removed during endometrial hysterectomy.
In fact, very few things are risk free.
Woman with endometrial hysterectomy may try to explore the compromise between estrogen replacement therapy and other treatments that can help her to relieve the symptoms of menopause effectively without expose herself to unacceptable risk.
Hysterectomy is always the last resort in treating endometriosis for women who have exhausted all treatments without success, or if endometrial tissues has become cancerous, her doctor may suggest some types of hysterectomy.
After having endometrial hysterectomy, women will be given the choice of estrogen replacement therapy.
In this article, we will discuss the good and bad of estrogen replacement therapy after endometrial hysterectomy.
Hormone replacement therapy is always a very controversy subject, you can easily find thousands of people who agree with it and thousands of other people do not.
Both agree that endometrial hysterectomy is necessary if the endometriosis is in progression state or if the woman has exhausted other treatments, or if endometriosis has become cancerous.
The good of estrogen replacement therapy 1.
It helps to normalize the level of estrogen caused by removal of ovaries that regulate the level of estrogen in the woman's reproductive system.
It helps to reduce symptoms of menopause caused by low level of estrogen in the body.
It helps reduce stress and depression to women who cannot adapt to her new life cycle as well as helping to rebuild confidence and self esteem.
It helps to decrease the risk of bone loss due to inability of digestive absorption because low levels of estrogen reduce level of stomach acid that is necessary for breaking down foods that enter our digestive system.
Increases sexual desire in some women.
The bad of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) 1.
Study from US Woman's Health Initiate (WHI) shows that estrogen replacement increases the risk of breast cancer.
Increases the risk of blood clots in deep veins.
Increases the risk of ovarian cancer for women who do not have their ovaries removed during endometrial hysterectomy.
In fact, very few things are risk free.
Woman with endometrial hysterectomy may try to explore the compromise between estrogen replacement therapy and other treatments that can help her to relieve the symptoms of menopause effectively without expose herself to unacceptable risk.