How to Transfer Stocks
- 1). Obtain a transfer form for digital shares. Get the stock transfer form from your stock broker. Most likely this will be available online, but you can probably also request a physical copy. The Scottrade transfer form is linked in the References section below as an example. Once the form is completed with the information described in Step 2 it can be submitted by fax, mail or in person to the nearest branch of your brokerage.
- 2). Identify parties and stocks. Use the routing and account numbers to identify the transferring and receiving parties in the exchange. Identify stocks by quantity and Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP) number. Use the link titled Find Symbol in the Resource section below to identify a stock's CUSIP. File with your local branch office.
- 3). Mail the stock certificates. If you are transferring a physical stock certificate, mail it to the transfer agent who issued the certificate along with instructions containing all the information described above.