The Democrats Need to Be Re-Branded - Let"s Call it the Socialist Party!
The Democrats in America are very proud of their brand, don't ask me why, but you can observe this for yourself if you go up to one and ask them which party they support and they will say proudly; "I am a Democrat!" Well, that's great and if you ask; "You mean that you are a Liberal?" They will nod a yes.
However, I submit to you that they are neither, a liberal nor a democrat, rather they are a Socialist.
If you listen to the political rhetoric from the Democratic Party you will note their most recent side show, yes I speak of the "Obama Phenomena," you would swear that this Presidential Election is a reality TV show and a pure and pathetic popularity contest giving the green light to the best public speaker.
Many opponents of the Democratic Party call most of this "so-called phenomena" a very expensive Dog and Pony Show, and really that would be hard to deny.
Yes, 400 million dollars is a lot of money, but for that kind of money we could run your neighbor's dog and get the Democratic Nomination, I am serious, stop laughing.
And just think once we have the dog all we need is the Democrat Donkey for the pony show and we are all good to go.
It's amazing that so many American Voters are fooled by all this non-sense.
It's just a bunch of PR, Publicity and Public Relations backed by hundreds of millions in TV advertising and huge parties.
It's a lot of personal branding, but I submit to you that the Democrats need to be re-branded, as they should be calling themselves the Socialist Party, because if you look at their plans, strategies and ideas, well, that's exactly what they are.
However, I submit to you that they are neither, a liberal nor a democrat, rather they are a Socialist.
If you listen to the political rhetoric from the Democratic Party you will note their most recent side show, yes I speak of the "Obama Phenomena," you would swear that this Presidential Election is a reality TV show and a pure and pathetic popularity contest giving the green light to the best public speaker.
Many opponents of the Democratic Party call most of this "so-called phenomena" a very expensive Dog and Pony Show, and really that would be hard to deny.
Yes, 400 million dollars is a lot of money, but for that kind of money we could run your neighbor's dog and get the Democratic Nomination, I am serious, stop laughing.
And just think once we have the dog all we need is the Democrat Donkey for the pony show and we are all good to go.
It's amazing that so many American Voters are fooled by all this non-sense.
It's just a bunch of PR, Publicity and Public Relations backed by hundreds of millions in TV advertising and huge parties.
It's a lot of personal branding, but I submit to you that the Democrats need to be re-branded, as they should be calling themselves the Socialist Party, because if you look at their plans, strategies and ideas, well, that's exactly what they are.