Five Top Tips For Getting Revenge
Theres one big reason why people seek revenge it works. If youve been hurt by someone and you want to let them know how you feel - and make yourself feel better too, then dont sit there brooding, take action and get revenge.
There are loads of great ways to get revenge on the boyfriend, girlfriend, boss, friend or family member thats betrayed you. Here are some great tips for how you can get revenge thats going to make you feel great and be safe and legal.
So many of us hate our bosses. If yours is giving you a hard time, why not send them a smelly surprise. Buy a stuffed animal, then carefully cut along the seam of the material. Remove a little of the stuffing and replace it with fresh fish or smelly cheese, then replace the stuffing on top. Carefully sew the toy back up and when youre sure its safe, leave it on your bosss desk. This works better if your boss has a separate office as it will soon start to stink as badly as their management skills- and they wont have a clue where the smell is coming from.
If your lover left you for someone else why not send them a surprise through the post that will really stir things up. How about a home STD testing kit with a label that screams I have a disease!. You can sit back and smile as you imagine them trying to explain that way to their new flame.
If you think your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you, try and find out when theyre meeting their secret lover. Just before the big date, spike their drink with laxatives. Something tells me that their romantic evening will not be going to plan if your lover spends the night in the bathroom.
If someone borrowed money from you and wont pay you back, then try sending them an empty gesture. Get an empty box for an expensive item like a laptop, TV or MP3 player. Then send them the empty box. Instead of a great gift inside leave a message that will speak volumes about how you feel about them a plastic dog turd. Imagine their face when they realise what theyre really getting.
So remember, dont get mad, get even. If youve been hurt then why shouldnt they feel some of that pain too? Getting revenge will make you feel great and will show the one that wronged you that you are not to be messed with.
There are loads of great ways to get revenge on the boyfriend, girlfriend, boss, friend or family member thats betrayed you. Here are some great tips for how you can get revenge thats going to make you feel great and be safe and legal.
So many of us hate our bosses. If yours is giving you a hard time, why not send them a smelly surprise. Buy a stuffed animal, then carefully cut along the seam of the material. Remove a little of the stuffing and replace it with fresh fish or smelly cheese, then replace the stuffing on top. Carefully sew the toy back up and when youre sure its safe, leave it on your bosss desk. This works better if your boss has a separate office as it will soon start to stink as badly as their management skills- and they wont have a clue where the smell is coming from.
If your lover left you for someone else why not send them a surprise through the post that will really stir things up. How about a home STD testing kit with a label that screams I have a disease!. You can sit back and smile as you imagine them trying to explain that way to their new flame.
If you think your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you, try and find out when theyre meeting their secret lover. Just before the big date, spike their drink with laxatives. Something tells me that their romantic evening will not be going to plan if your lover spends the night in the bathroom.
If someone borrowed money from you and wont pay you back, then try sending them an empty gesture. Get an empty box for an expensive item like a laptop, TV or MP3 player. Then send them the empty box. Instead of a great gift inside leave a message that will speak volumes about how you feel about them a plastic dog turd. Imagine their face when they realise what theyre really getting.
So remember, dont get mad, get even. If youve been hurt then why shouldnt they feel some of that pain too? Getting revenge will make you feel great and will show the one that wronged you that you are not to be messed with.