How to Remove Desktop Popup Ads
1Eliminate Vundo. To eliminate Vundo download the VundoFix software by going to its website (see Resources) and clicking on "Download VundoFix." This is a free program that allows you to get rid of the virus that is causing the pop-up ads.
Click on "Save file." This will save the file to your desktop. You can easily access the file from this area to run the virus removal software.
Allow the file to download to your computer. Depending on your Internet connection speed this may take anywhere from 10 seconds to a few minutes.
Click "Run Scan" after the file has downloaded, to scan your computer for Vundo. The length of time it takes to scan will depend on the number of files stored on your computer. Let the scan run until it is finished.
Select Vundo to remove, once the scanner has completed. You can select everything that comes up in the scan, or if you see something in the list that you do not think is a virus, un-check the corresponding box to stop the removal of that particular object.