Catfish fishing tips, tricks and ebooks
I just wanted to inform you that I have opened a new page regarding catfish!
I will run it as an angler of 10 years of experience together with my father who has been going for catfish for over 25 years.
The plan is to make a page where everyone can share their experiences, send photos and videos, learn something new or help out others...Hopefully it will become an interactive catfish community.
The page is still fresh, so there isn't a lot of content yet except a few post and a few useful links where to buy catfish gear....but I'm getting to it.
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And of course, any kind of question or advice left on the page will help to start our interaction. You can also find some e-books and gear to buy, but the most important thing on the page will be the "human factor" - share your knowledge!
In this page you can find useful tips and advice about catfish angling.
I'm talking equipment, bait, catfish behavior, terrain, almost anything.
As an experienced angler i think i can give some useful advice to people that want to go after catfish.
There are concerns about the ecological impact of introducing the wels catfish to non-native regions. These concerns take into account the situation in Lake Victoria in Africa, where Nile perch (available in stores as Lake Victoria perch) were introduced and rapidly caused the extinction of numerous indigenous species. This severely impacted the entire lake, destroying much of the original ecosystem. The danger does not appear to be as extreme in the case of the wels catfish, but the introduction of foreign species is almost always a burden on the affected ecosystem.
Only the flesh of young Silurus glanis specimens is valued as food. It is palatable when the catfish weighs less than 15 kg (33 lb). Larger than this size, the fish is highly fatty and not recommended for consumption. The eggs are poisonous and should not be consumed.
I will run it as an angler of 10 years of experience together with my father who has been going for catfish for over 25 years.
The plan is to make a page where everyone can share their experiences, send photos and videos, learn something new or help out others...Hopefully it will become an interactive catfish community.
The page is still fresh, so there isn't a lot of content yet except a few post and a few useful links where to buy catfish gear....but I'm getting to it.
{a target="_new" rel="nofollow"
And of course, any kind of question or advice left on the page will help to start our interaction. You can also find some e-books and gear to buy, but the most important thing on the page will be the "human factor" - share your knowledge!
In this page you can find useful tips and advice about catfish angling.
I'm talking equipment, bait, catfish behavior, terrain, almost anything.
As an experienced angler i think i can give some useful advice to people that want to go after catfish.
There are concerns about the ecological impact of introducing the wels catfish to non-native regions. These concerns take into account the situation in Lake Victoria in Africa, where Nile perch (available in stores as Lake Victoria perch) were introduced and rapidly caused the extinction of numerous indigenous species. This severely impacted the entire lake, destroying much of the original ecosystem. The danger does not appear to be as extreme in the case of the wels catfish, but the introduction of foreign species is almost always a burden on the affected ecosystem.
Only the flesh of young Silurus glanis specimens is valued as food. It is palatable when the catfish weighs less than 15 kg (33 lb). Larger than this size, the fish is highly fatty and not recommended for consumption. The eggs are poisonous and should not be consumed.