Is Your Ex Constantly Ignoring You and You Find It to Be Extremely Hurtful? Learn What You Can Do
If your ex girlfriend has started to completely ignore you, it may come as a shock and get under your skin more than you'd like to admit.
You're not alone.
No one likes to be ignored, especially from someone they were once close with.
But if you're wondering what you should do about it, you have many options.
Fight Fire With Fire Sometimes, the best way to go about handing childish matters (and completely ignoring someone is rather childish), is to act accordingly.
Give her some of her own medicine.
Ignore her right back.
You'll be surprised fast how she notices, and how fast she may be to break the mutual silent game.
Blow Her Mind Sometimes the best way to get attention, and hence not be ignored, is to do or say something so totally outrageous that you can't go unnoticed.
Now, don't go off and get yourself arrested for the sake of romance, but act in a way that is completely out of character for you.
It will turn her head, and she'll not be able to look away.
Confuse Her There is a saying: if you can't convince them, confuse them.
If you find yourself being ignored, just act randomly and unpredictably.
If you confuse her, she'll find it impossible to ignore, as people are ingrained to pay attention to the unusual - it may be a threat (of course you aren't, but her basic instincts will have her paying attention anyway).
Care Not In the Least She may be ignoring you just to get a rise out of you, to watch you and gauge your reaction.
If you act as if you hardly notice, or you couldn't care less, it will probably just drive her to other measures to get whatever response she's looking for.
Provoke This may not be the best way (depending on what kind of attention you want form your ex), but you could provoke her.
You know her well - or at least somewhat.
Push her buttons, play on her insecurities, get on her last nerve, and you'll crack her before you know it.
Just, be careful for what may happen next! Send Her Flowers Women love flowers.
Even mad women who are ignoring you love flowers.
Never underestimate the power of nature's oldest romantic gift.
And if she does manage to ignore the first round, keep them coming.
Remain The Same Again, she is probably only ignoring you to sting you or otherwise irritate you.
If you remain exactly the same and pretend that she's not ignoring you at all, it may just end up driving her a bit crazy.
She may even be the first one to break the silence.
You're not alone.
No one likes to be ignored, especially from someone they were once close with.
But if you're wondering what you should do about it, you have many options.
Fight Fire With Fire Sometimes, the best way to go about handing childish matters (and completely ignoring someone is rather childish), is to act accordingly.
Give her some of her own medicine.
Ignore her right back.
You'll be surprised fast how she notices, and how fast she may be to break the mutual silent game.
Blow Her Mind Sometimes the best way to get attention, and hence not be ignored, is to do or say something so totally outrageous that you can't go unnoticed.
Now, don't go off and get yourself arrested for the sake of romance, but act in a way that is completely out of character for you.
It will turn her head, and she'll not be able to look away.
Confuse Her There is a saying: if you can't convince them, confuse them.
If you find yourself being ignored, just act randomly and unpredictably.
If you confuse her, she'll find it impossible to ignore, as people are ingrained to pay attention to the unusual - it may be a threat (of course you aren't, but her basic instincts will have her paying attention anyway).
Care Not In the Least She may be ignoring you just to get a rise out of you, to watch you and gauge your reaction.
If you act as if you hardly notice, or you couldn't care less, it will probably just drive her to other measures to get whatever response she's looking for.
Provoke This may not be the best way (depending on what kind of attention you want form your ex), but you could provoke her.
You know her well - or at least somewhat.
Push her buttons, play on her insecurities, get on her last nerve, and you'll crack her before you know it.
Just, be careful for what may happen next! Send Her Flowers Women love flowers.
Even mad women who are ignoring you love flowers.
Never underestimate the power of nature's oldest romantic gift.
And if she does manage to ignore the first round, keep them coming.
Remain The Same Again, she is probably only ignoring you to sting you or otherwise irritate you.
If you remain exactly the same and pretend that she's not ignoring you at all, it may just end up driving her a bit crazy.
She may even be the first one to break the silence.