How to Make Family Holiday Pictures
- 1). Find a photographer who has a full portfolio with examples of family holiday portraits. Talk with the photographer and view the type of work he does. Professional photographs are available for a wide variety of prices and skill levels.
- 2). Select backgrounds for your photographs. Select backgrounds and props that convey the meaning of your photo such as a red backdrop with a Christmas tree or consider taking the photos outside.
- 3). Dress family members in coordinating colors. You don't have to match each other, but select colors that work together. Avoid wearing crazy prints or patterns that can distract eye and avoid wearing white, according to TODAY lifestyle expert Elizabeth Mayhew. The color of clothing will depend on the type of background you plan on using. An autumn shot looks nice with greens, browns, oranges, reds and yellows. Just be sure you don't blend into the background. Contrast colors to the background so that family members stand out.
- 4). Arrange family members around the older members. Parents and grandparents should be centered, while children can stand, sit, or kneel around them or even on their laps. Having people stand at different heights enhances the holiday picture.
- 5). Take several different shots with different backgrounds. This way you will have a large selection from which to choose your family portrait. Also, ask your photographer to use editing software to remove blemishes, red eye or other small defects in the photos.