How to Do Square Root in PowerPoint
- 1). Launch Microsoft PowerPoint. Click into the main text box on the slide, “Click to add title.”
- 2). Type the number to use for the square root equation, such as “49.”
- 3). Click the “Insert” tab at the top of the screen. Click the “Shapes” button below the tab.
- 4). Click the “Squiggle” tool, the squiggly line at the end of the “Lines” section. The cursor turns into a pencil icon.
- 5). Draw a symbol that looks like a check mark directly to the left of the number, extending the top of the check all the way over the top of the number.
- 6). Click the orange “Drawing Tools” tab at the top of the work area. Click the “Shape Outline” menu. Change the square root symbol from PowerPoint’s blue default to black to match the typed number or your preferred color. Click the menu again. Click “Weight.” Choose “3 pt” from the fly-out menu or your preferred line thickness to match the typed number.