A Yeast Infection Remedy You May Not Have Considered
The problem with most yeast infection remedies is that they only act as temporary solutions.
Most of these medicinal cures only relieve symptoms but sure enough a few weeks or months later the itchiness, soreness, and burning is back in full force.
What else is there to try? First before you try anything, you should be sure that what you have is a yeast infection.
There are a number of other infections which can inflict the vagina with similar symptoms such as bacterial vaginosis or a mixed-type of infection.
Nearly 2/3 of all women who self diagnose themselves do so incorrectly believing that it's a yeast infection and purchase an over the counter remedy accordingly.
The most prominent sign of a yeast infection is the whitish gray discharge that is curd like in appearance which is associated with it.
Also it's worth mentioning that these infections can occur in men, as well, though it's not nearly as common.
Yeast infections can also be evidence of a more serious condition, so as always it's good to see a doctor if you are unsure.
Moving along to treatments, however, in recent years, a great deal of evidence has given credibility to a number of non medical remedies.
Simple changes in your diet can dramatically reduce your risk of contracting a yeast infection.
A number of guides and books have been written in recent years and months given the boon in scientific evidence to support the dietary yeast infection remedy, which identify the causes of this infection, how to clear it up as quickly as possible, and list the danger foods and things in general which you can avoid to live healthier and happier.
Most of these medicinal cures only relieve symptoms but sure enough a few weeks or months later the itchiness, soreness, and burning is back in full force.
What else is there to try? First before you try anything, you should be sure that what you have is a yeast infection.
There are a number of other infections which can inflict the vagina with similar symptoms such as bacterial vaginosis or a mixed-type of infection.
Nearly 2/3 of all women who self diagnose themselves do so incorrectly believing that it's a yeast infection and purchase an over the counter remedy accordingly.
The most prominent sign of a yeast infection is the whitish gray discharge that is curd like in appearance which is associated with it.
Also it's worth mentioning that these infections can occur in men, as well, though it's not nearly as common.
Yeast infections can also be evidence of a more serious condition, so as always it's good to see a doctor if you are unsure.
Moving along to treatments, however, in recent years, a great deal of evidence has given credibility to a number of non medical remedies.
Simple changes in your diet can dramatically reduce your risk of contracting a yeast infection.
A number of guides and books have been written in recent years and months given the boon in scientific evidence to support the dietary yeast infection remedy, which identify the causes of this infection, how to clear it up as quickly as possible, and list the danger foods and things in general which you can avoid to live healthier and happier.