What should we know about dementia or senility?
The probability that a person have dementia increases as age. However, studies have shown that the disease may occur before 60 years. Dementias are diseases in which intellectual capacity deteriorates progressively and continuously. "Dementia" is actually a group of symptoms that usually occur in diseases that cause brain damage and neuronal death. Nerve cell death is a normal process, but if in case of some illness that leads to dementia process runs faster and has a pathological character. There are many types of dementia, the most common being Alzheimer's disease (more than 60% of cases of dementia), vascular dementia and dementia of Parkinson's disease.
How dementia manifest?
Patients with dementia or senility have problems with short-term memory. They can forget what just said or done, even if they remember things that happened many years ago. It is difficult for them to orient in time and space and have no money value, they no longer recognize family members, are becoming less and less communicative, etc. They need a closer supervision and help to meet the most mundane activities such as dressing or eating, as the disease progresses.
Symptoms of dementia can occur in case of major depression or of acute confusional states; these cases can differentiate clearly of dementias by the use of physician-specific clinical trials and symptoms are potentially reversible, in all other cases the disease is irreversible. Evolution period is generally between eight and ten years.
Diagnosis of dementia
It is very important to be diagnosed as early as possible, because early treatment can improve symptoms. Although the disease is incurable, existing treatments induce a greater autonomy of the patient, thus improving patient quality of life.
An early diagnosis allows the patient and family to plan an informed life. Diagnosis can be made by health experts, psychiatrists, neurologists or geriatrics, after some tests, plus computed tomography. To have a correct diagnosis, the patient should be consulted by a multidisciplinary team consisting of specialist (psychiatrist, neurologist, and psychogeriatric), psychologist and social worker.
Medications for dementia
Any form of dementia cannot yet be cured, but there are treatments that can help. In the early stage and moderate Alzheimer's dementia, there are medications (cholinesterase inhibitors) that doctor can recommend. These drugs help affected nerve cells work better for a while, and so it eases the effects of disease. Like all medicines, they are not suitable for everyone and sometimes can have side effects. Evolution of symptoms should be carefully - not enough for the doctor to prescribe a prescription, any change in the disease may require a new evaluation and possible treatment changes.
Natural treatment for senility with Calivita products
- An optimal intake of vitamins and minerals is necessary for older people to reduce the specific deficiencies and to improve nervous system function. Calivita nutritional supplement - Senior Formula €" is created specifically for this age group.
- Nutritional supplements based on soy lecithin - Super Soya Lecithin - improve memory, concentration and attention, oxygenate the brain and increase appetite for life in the elderly.
- Rhodiola Rosea is an herb with a complex effect on the central nervous system, so Rhodiolin nutritional supplement is effective in improving mental status in persons with senility.
- Noni Liquid nutritional supplement has a direct action on the nervous and circulatory system, improving brain function and neuronal oxygenation.
How dementia manifest?
Patients with dementia or senility have problems with short-term memory. They can forget what just said or done, even if they remember things that happened many years ago. It is difficult for them to orient in time and space and have no money value, they no longer recognize family members, are becoming less and less communicative, etc. They need a closer supervision and help to meet the most mundane activities such as dressing or eating, as the disease progresses.
Symptoms of dementia can occur in case of major depression or of acute confusional states; these cases can differentiate clearly of dementias by the use of physician-specific clinical trials and symptoms are potentially reversible, in all other cases the disease is irreversible. Evolution period is generally between eight and ten years.
Diagnosis of dementia
It is very important to be diagnosed as early as possible, because early treatment can improve symptoms. Although the disease is incurable, existing treatments induce a greater autonomy of the patient, thus improving patient quality of life.
An early diagnosis allows the patient and family to plan an informed life. Diagnosis can be made by health experts, psychiatrists, neurologists or geriatrics, after some tests, plus computed tomography. To have a correct diagnosis, the patient should be consulted by a multidisciplinary team consisting of specialist (psychiatrist, neurologist, and psychogeriatric), psychologist and social worker.
Medications for dementia
Any form of dementia cannot yet be cured, but there are treatments that can help. In the early stage and moderate Alzheimer's dementia, there are medications (cholinesterase inhibitors) that doctor can recommend. These drugs help affected nerve cells work better for a while, and so it eases the effects of disease. Like all medicines, they are not suitable for everyone and sometimes can have side effects. Evolution of symptoms should be carefully - not enough for the doctor to prescribe a prescription, any change in the disease may require a new evaluation and possible treatment changes.
Natural treatment for senility with Calivita products
- An optimal intake of vitamins and minerals is necessary for older people to reduce the specific deficiencies and to improve nervous system function. Calivita nutritional supplement - Senior Formula €" is created specifically for this age group.
- Nutritional supplements based on soy lecithin - Super Soya Lecithin - improve memory, concentration and attention, oxygenate the brain and increase appetite for life in the elderly.
- Rhodiola Rosea is an herb with a complex effect on the central nervous system, so Rhodiolin nutritional supplement is effective in improving mental status in persons with senility.
- Noni Liquid nutritional supplement has a direct action on the nervous and circulatory system, improving brain function and neuronal oxygenation.