Why Does a Furnace Run Constantly in Sub Zero Weather?
- A thermostatsecurity and heating system image by Canakris from Fotolia.com
Thermostats that are set too high can result in excess running of a furnace even in milder temperatures. Look at your thermostat and determine if you can reduce the temperature by a few degrees. - Programmable Energy Star thermostats can potentially save you hundreds of dollars per year in heating. By setting back your thermostat 8 degrees F in the winter, you can potentially save more than $180 per year. Programmable thermostats also allow you to reduce nighttime heating.
- Tuning up your furnace will allow it to run more efficiently. Change the filters regularly and always have your maintenance technician on-call for winter emergencies.
- An old furnace is usually not efficient. Some modern two-stage furnaces are able to circulate air even when the burner is not running. In addition, your house may be leaking out any warm air that the furnace may be producing. Insufficient cold air returns will also lead to inefficiency in heating your home.
- Local temperature extremes can be found at the National Climatic Data Center website. Find the local temperature extremes in your area to determine if your furnace needs an update.
Is Your Thermostat Set Too High?
Is Your Thermostat Programmable?
Have You Had the Furnace Tuned Up?
Is Your Furnace (and Insulation) Too Old for the Job?
Where Can I Find Local Temperature Extremes?