The Cultivation of Saffron
- 1). Buy saffron crocus bulbs from a trusted source. The Latin name of the true saffron crocus is Crocus sativus.
- 2). Plant your bulbs in September in a raised bed in rich, sandy soil that allows for easy root penetration. The raised bed needs to be well-drained and located in direct sun where it will have several hours of summer sun.
- 3). Position the bulbs about 3 inches deep and about 3 inches apart.
- 4). Tack screen across the bed to keep rodents from eating the corms.
- 1). Watch for leaf growth late in the fall. As soon as you see the leaves, begin to water the bulbs several times a week until the blooms arrive. There will be very few blooms the first year.
- 2). Allow the bulbs to rest in dormancy over the winter and spring.
- 3). Keep your bulbs dry during spring and summer or they will rot in the ground. If they are in a moveable container, bring the container indoors.
- 4). Pull weeds around the bulbs, being careful to not disturb corms.
- 1). Watch, again, for new leaf growth beginning in late September, followed by blooms. Check each day so you don't miss your very short harvest time. Water, again, several times a week until the crocuses bloom.
- 2). As soon as you see blooms, usually mid-October, begin watching for them to open. Check several times a day.
- 3). Harvest the stigmas on the day the flower opens by cutting the bloom off the stem and pulling the red stigmas from the center with a tweezers.
Growth and Dormancy