Music To My Ears: The Importance Of Music To Children" s Education By Kitty Robertson Morse, Heirloo
"I can't get that song out of my head," sound familiar? What's funny is that post-parenthood that song usually isn't the latest from our favorite band. Often it's a particularly annoying nursery rhyme that is playing in an endless loop in our head. When my children became old enough to have an opinion about what we listened to in the car, my favorite music gave way to endless kid tunes. Crazy making, yes, however little did I know the immeasurable benefits for my children.
Music plays an important part in our children's life from the moment they are born. Typically there is a specific goal in mind, a lullaby to soothe a fussy baby or a catchy tune to dance to and get the sillies out. Surprisingly, these early interactions not only help children learn music, but enhance their school life as well. Children that have been exposed to music early and on a variety of levels have been shown to do better in reading and math when they begin school because they have more developed reasoning skills. Research has also proven kids have better spatial reasoning, are able to control their bodies more, focus better and have higher self-esteem. Who knew the Wiggles would help my kids read better?
There are endless ways to incorporate music into everyday life for children. You can simply listen to music during playtime or bath time. But kids make a stronger connection to music when they actively participate. Ask your child as they are listening how the music makes them feel. Does it sound happy, sad, loud, soft, fast, slow? Have them sing along, experimenting with tone and rhythm. Yes it can be tiring hearing the ABCs for the hundredth time, but repetition is part of the learning process and builds confidence with mastery of the song. Have a family dance night, playing anything that makes you want to move - try some disco, or the Monster Mash, or some Motown hits, anything you can think of!
Keep a basket full of simple rhythm instruments such as a wooden drum, xylophone, maracas and tambourines, and create your own band. Demonstrate how instruments make different sounds when you bang, shake, beat on them. Expose your children to live music such as concerts and musicals. My favorites for very young kids are outdoor concerts in the park where kids have the freedom to move around and get lost in the sounds. Teach them to sing simple rounds, like "Row Row Row Your Boat", which is a great way to start learning to sing parts. Watch musicals - we love "The Sound of Music" or "Beauty and the Beast" - and sing along. Above all, approach music with joy and a sense of fun with the youngest ones - remember it shouldn't really have to sound like much of anything at this stage!
Whatever medium you choose, know that you are giving your kids a gift that extends well beyond their early years.
If you are looking to buy a gift or toy for your child or grandchild, think of Heirloom Wooden Toys where we provide sustainable, safe wooden toys, games and furniture that will last for generations to come. You can shop by Age, Price, Brand, or just browse hundreds of products for all kinds of kids. Many of our products are Made in the USA so you can support businesses that are keeping jobs at home. Looking for custom products? We have a large selection of items that can be personalized or engraved with your name or message. Free Shipping on orders over $99! Contact Kitty Robertson Morse at [email protected] or (866) 202-8073.
Music plays an important part in our children's life from the moment they are born. Typically there is a specific goal in mind, a lullaby to soothe a fussy baby or a catchy tune to dance to and get the sillies out. Surprisingly, these early interactions not only help children learn music, but enhance their school life as well. Children that have been exposed to music early and on a variety of levels have been shown to do better in reading and math when they begin school because they have more developed reasoning skills. Research has also proven kids have better spatial reasoning, are able to control their bodies more, focus better and have higher self-esteem. Who knew the Wiggles would help my kids read better?
There are endless ways to incorporate music into everyday life for children. You can simply listen to music during playtime or bath time. But kids make a stronger connection to music when they actively participate. Ask your child as they are listening how the music makes them feel. Does it sound happy, sad, loud, soft, fast, slow? Have them sing along, experimenting with tone and rhythm. Yes it can be tiring hearing the ABCs for the hundredth time, but repetition is part of the learning process and builds confidence with mastery of the song. Have a family dance night, playing anything that makes you want to move - try some disco, or the Monster Mash, or some Motown hits, anything you can think of!
Keep a basket full of simple rhythm instruments such as a wooden drum, xylophone, maracas and tambourines, and create your own band. Demonstrate how instruments make different sounds when you bang, shake, beat on them. Expose your children to live music such as concerts and musicals. My favorites for very young kids are outdoor concerts in the park where kids have the freedom to move around and get lost in the sounds. Teach them to sing simple rounds, like "Row Row Row Your Boat", which is a great way to start learning to sing parts. Watch musicals - we love "The Sound of Music" or "Beauty and the Beast" - and sing along. Above all, approach music with joy and a sense of fun with the youngest ones - remember it shouldn't really have to sound like much of anything at this stage!
Whatever medium you choose, know that you are giving your kids a gift that extends well beyond their early years.
If you are looking to buy a gift or toy for your child or grandchild, think of Heirloom Wooden Toys where we provide sustainable, safe wooden toys, games and furniture that will last for generations to come. You can shop by Age, Price, Brand, or just browse hundreds of products for all kinds of kids. Many of our products are Made in the USA so you can support businesses that are keeping jobs at home. Looking for custom products? We have a large selection of items that can be personalized or engraved with your name or message. Free Shipping on orders over $99! Contact Kitty Robertson Morse at [email protected] or (866) 202-8073.