How to Precision Miter a Baseboard
- 1). Place the back of the molding against the fence and slide the fence to the far right position. Set the bevel angle to 0 degrees. Make a left side inside corner by setting the miter angle at left 45 degrees. Make the cut and keep the left side of the cut. The corner recedes. Make the cut by holding the baseboard against the fence and lowering the blade onto the board, or drawing the blade through the board with the handle -- depending on the type of saw you are using. Make sure you keep your hands clear of the blade.
- 2). Cut a right side inside corner by setting the miter angle at right 45 degrees. Keep the right side of the cut.
- 3). Make an outside left wall corner by setting the miter angle at right 45 degrees. Keep the left side of the cut. An outside corner is the corner that protrudes into the room. For example, an en-suite bathroom that uses volume within a bedroom will have an outside corner.
- 4). Make a right side outside wall corner by setting the miter angle at left 45 degrees. Keep the right side of the cut.
- 1). Place the back of the molding flat on the table. Set the bevel angle to 45 degrees. Make a left side inside corner by setting the miter angle at 0 degrees. Keep the left side of the cut.
- 2). Cut a right side inside corner by setting the miter angle at 0 degrees. Keep the left side of the cut.
- 3). Make an outside left wall corner by setting the miter angle at 0 degrees. Set the bottom of the molding against the fence. Keep the right side of the cut.
- 4). Make a right side outside wall corner by setting the miter angle at 0 degrees. Set the top of the molding against the fence. Keep the right side of the cut.
Vertical Position
Horizontal Position