How To Save Your Marriage - Could This Business Secret Really Be The Key To Marital Bliss?
Learning how to save your marriage is not about how to express your individualism, pursue your dreams and lots of other nonsense you see written about being married.
If you want your marriage to survive and thrive then you need to find out what marriage is really about.
Do not get me wrong, you do not have to give up being yourself in order to be part of a happy and successful marriage; but it is not just all about you.
Often people get married in a cloud of emotion and once that cloud dissipates and the reality of life kicks in they feel trapped and may even rebel; sometimes with outward bursts of anger directed at their spouse.
You need not feel bad or guilty if you have fallen into this trap, after all, did anyone ever teach you how to be married? Most of us only have the example of our parents, and with so many broken households these days, who sees a good example? A business secret that can help you saving your marriage.
It turns out that some good old business advice can help you with how to save your marriage.
Surprised? While not the business entity preferred by many, even myself, the simple partnership is very common in the working world.
Most fail; gee, does that sound familiar at all? When you want to save your business partnership, start out by talking things out with your business partner.
When you want to save your marriage, possibly even needing to stop divorce, then take a chapter from the business world and talk things out with your spouse, your marriage partner.
Is talking with your spouse difficult? That happens, and it comes as a surprise to many of us, especially considering the hours, days and nights when we first met when we talked all the time.
Hopefully you got married because you love each other, even though those feelings of love may not seem real prevalent right now.
Chances are the much of this occurred because one or both of you tried going it on your own just a little too much.
Many times people will consent to something if only asked first, the resentment many times comes when they feel their input was not required, let alone invited.
Now can be the time to change that, breaking down the wall that may have grown between you and allowing hearts to soften and love to flow.
Marriage is indeed a partnership, and that partnership can certainly allow for much individuality.
Yet you must always make certain to consider how your words or actions will affect your partner - from their perspective.
If you are newly married then you may find adjusting your path in marriage a little bit easier.
If you have been married a long time then these "ruts" leading the wrong direction may be harder to break out of, but still possible.
If you want your marriage to survive and thrive then you need to find out what marriage is really about.
Do not get me wrong, you do not have to give up being yourself in order to be part of a happy and successful marriage; but it is not just all about you.
Often people get married in a cloud of emotion and once that cloud dissipates and the reality of life kicks in they feel trapped and may even rebel; sometimes with outward bursts of anger directed at their spouse.
You need not feel bad or guilty if you have fallen into this trap, after all, did anyone ever teach you how to be married? Most of us only have the example of our parents, and with so many broken households these days, who sees a good example? A business secret that can help you saving your marriage.
It turns out that some good old business advice can help you with how to save your marriage.
Surprised? While not the business entity preferred by many, even myself, the simple partnership is very common in the working world.
Most fail; gee, does that sound familiar at all? When you want to save your business partnership, start out by talking things out with your business partner.
When you want to save your marriage, possibly even needing to stop divorce, then take a chapter from the business world and talk things out with your spouse, your marriage partner.
Is talking with your spouse difficult? That happens, and it comes as a surprise to many of us, especially considering the hours, days and nights when we first met when we talked all the time.
Hopefully you got married because you love each other, even though those feelings of love may not seem real prevalent right now.
Chances are the much of this occurred because one or both of you tried going it on your own just a little too much.
Many times people will consent to something if only asked first, the resentment many times comes when they feel their input was not required, let alone invited.
Now can be the time to change that, breaking down the wall that may have grown between you and allowing hearts to soften and love to flow.
Marriage is indeed a partnership, and that partnership can certainly allow for much individuality.
Yet you must always make certain to consider how your words or actions will affect your partner - from their perspective.
If you are newly married then you may find adjusting your path in marriage a little bit easier.
If you have been married a long time then these "ruts" leading the wrong direction may be harder to break out of, but still possible.