Could You Have Food Allergies?
Imagine if you will that you are in the middle of a major infrastructure crisis which has affected the complete nation.
You have noticed recently that you have been feeling sick and not totally up to par.
Your hands might be shaking at times while at other periods you feel totally fine.
The problem is there are no physicians around or emergency centers where you can go to be treated.
What options are left to your disposal in a situation such as this? There are measures that you can take yourself to attempt to resolve your illness problem.
Have you possibly considered that you might be allergic to certain foods? One minute you feel good and the next you are not feeling the best? Do you wake up feeling full of zest and end up retiring for the night with the worse case of the blobs you ever had? Do you awaken at night with cramped hands full of throbbing pain? Looking at your situation you may realize that the medical care you so urgently require may not be available for weeks at a time? I have always considered most lab test as far too invasive for my liking.
With that in mind I would like to propose a non-invasive method that is sure to bring some enlightenment towards your medical woes.
The solution is to do a simple and accurate check to see if you are allergic to foods without ever setting foot in your doctor's office.
Initially you will have to accept the fact that foods may be the culprit in your mysterious illness.
Eating foods which your body rejects can cause a host of undesirable symptoms to occur.
In order to check which of the foods are causing your problem you will want to start watching very carefully what food you consume and where you eat them at.
Certain fast food locations tend to make me feel ill, I suppose it might have to do with the ingredients that they use when preparing their meals perhaps a different type of cooking oil or something similar.
It is important that you track all your food eating experiences by starting a daily food diary.
Make a notation in your diary for everything that goes into your mouth.
Write in detail the date, the time and the place of the food consumption.
Be sure to make note of any symptoms which you may experience as a result of your meal or the food you eat.
Put everything that relates to your food consumption in your diary regardless of how minor it may be.
After about a three months period of time you should begin to witness some sort of specific correlation between certain types of foods and the various symptoms that you are experiencing.
The key here is to be your own guinea pig.
When you start to see these correlations appearing it is time to adjust your diet accordingly in order to see which foods are having an effect upon you.
That is it.
Try it and you may be amazed at the results that you find.
Small ingredients such ass MSG or a certain herb or spice may be setting off the illness without you even knowing it.
Good luck and may you experience good health in the future.
Copyright @2012 Joseph Parish
You have noticed recently that you have been feeling sick and not totally up to par.
Your hands might be shaking at times while at other periods you feel totally fine.
The problem is there are no physicians around or emergency centers where you can go to be treated.
What options are left to your disposal in a situation such as this? There are measures that you can take yourself to attempt to resolve your illness problem.
Have you possibly considered that you might be allergic to certain foods? One minute you feel good and the next you are not feeling the best? Do you wake up feeling full of zest and end up retiring for the night with the worse case of the blobs you ever had? Do you awaken at night with cramped hands full of throbbing pain? Looking at your situation you may realize that the medical care you so urgently require may not be available for weeks at a time? I have always considered most lab test as far too invasive for my liking.
With that in mind I would like to propose a non-invasive method that is sure to bring some enlightenment towards your medical woes.
The solution is to do a simple and accurate check to see if you are allergic to foods without ever setting foot in your doctor's office.
Initially you will have to accept the fact that foods may be the culprit in your mysterious illness.
Eating foods which your body rejects can cause a host of undesirable symptoms to occur.
In order to check which of the foods are causing your problem you will want to start watching very carefully what food you consume and where you eat them at.
Certain fast food locations tend to make me feel ill, I suppose it might have to do with the ingredients that they use when preparing their meals perhaps a different type of cooking oil or something similar.
It is important that you track all your food eating experiences by starting a daily food diary.
Make a notation in your diary for everything that goes into your mouth.
Write in detail the date, the time and the place of the food consumption.
Be sure to make note of any symptoms which you may experience as a result of your meal or the food you eat.
Put everything that relates to your food consumption in your diary regardless of how minor it may be.
After about a three months period of time you should begin to witness some sort of specific correlation between certain types of foods and the various symptoms that you are experiencing.
The key here is to be your own guinea pig.
When you start to see these correlations appearing it is time to adjust your diet accordingly in order to see which foods are having an effect upon you.
That is it.
Try it and you may be amazed at the results that you find.
Small ingredients such ass MSG or a certain herb or spice may be setting off the illness without you even knowing it.
Good luck and may you experience good health in the future.
Copyright @2012 Joseph Parish