Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - An Over view
In recent times the availability of chemical and herbal health supplements as well its demand are on the raise, a major one of which is human growth hormone, commonly known as HGH. They are basically taken for improving the metabolic rate and muscular strength and endurance, but it can improve sexual performance, bone density, brain function, the immune system, and wrinkled skin. Biochemical, HGH is naturally produced by the pituitary gland in children and adolescents, basically working to stimulate cell production for growth. For one, it facilitates physical vertical growth, or height, by rising muscle mass as well as calcium retention needed for bone mineralization. It also stimulates the immune system and growth of internal organs, other than the brain, playing a specific role in liver glucose generation. One common use is among athletes to enhance performance, particularly among males. While some studies showed a raise in muscular tone and in injury resistance, many recent research studies have suggested there is either no effect, or negative side effects, such as swelling of the joint and an increased risk of diabetes. The medical community is also beginning to believe that prolonged HGH excessive usage could have many long term health consequences, though studies have yet to prove it. Another conventional use began in the 1990s as a treatment to reduce down the body's aging process, largely due to a 1990 New England Journal of Medicine published study that claimed HGH use in men above the age of 60 resulted in increased lean body mass and bone density. Other studies have also shown a decrease in body fat percentage. There are many HGH products across the counter, both via prescription and in nutritional supplements. If a consumer decides to undergo HGH treatment, it is advised to seek non-prescription products first, before undergoing more extensive HGH therapy in the form of HGH injections. Many popular HGH products, such as Sytropin and Secretagogue One, are available at a fraction of the cost of prescription HGH injections and can provide many of the same types of benefits with far less side effects and expense. For more information the given links can be tried.