Anxiety Symptoms - How to Identify and Deal With Its Attack
You've probably heard of panic attacks, or anxiety disorders, and you may be wondering whether you're suffering from this scary, sometimes debilitating mental disorder, however, without knowing what the anxiety symptoms, or signs of panic attacks are, and without a formal diagnosis, there's no way of knowing.
To make it a little easier for you to discern whether the problems you're experiencing might be anxiety attack symptoms, or whether they're something else entirely, we've collected a few of the more common ones here for you.
Palpitations One of the most common anxiety symptoms, palpitations, or a racing, fast beating heart, can sometimes feel like a heart attack.
In fact, many undiagnosed panic attack sufferers end up in the emergency room thanks to this particular symptom.
Of course, it's normal for your heart to race in some situations, if it's excessive, or there's no clear trigger, you may be experiencing anxiety symptoms.
Sweaty Palms or Difficulty Breathing If you've ever spoken in public, chances are you experienced sweaty palms before your big speech.
That's quite normal, but if you're having sweaty palms without a clear reason, you may be experiencing another of the common anxiety symptoms.
Difficulty breathing, or hyperventilating, are more common symptoms of anxiety you may want to look out for.
The feeling that your throat is closing, and you can't seem to get enough air in your lungs is scary, and in the absence of a medical problem, like asthma, it may indicate a panic disorder.
An Overwhelming Feeling of Dread This is one of the most clear anxiety symptoms out there - for no apparent, or a minor, reason, you suddenly begin to feel a complete, overwhelming feeling of dread.
This type of fear is almost palpable - think standing on the principle's carpet, and multiply it by ten and you may have an idea what I mean! Feeling Cold or Flushed A sudden chill or an unexplained feeling of being flushed or hot, may also be anxiety symptoms.
If you've ever experienced these, for example when practicing sports, or watching a horror movie, you'll know what I mean, but if there's no clear reason for them, you might be having symptoms of anxiety.
Nausea or Cramps You've probably felt that sinking in the pit of your stomach when something scary happens.
If you often experience unexplained nausea or cramps though, they might just be anxiety symptoms.
Of course, with this, as with other symptoms, it's always a good idea to check for physical causes, particularly if you're not experiencing any other anxiety symptoms.
Nearly all of the common anxiety symptoms are those you would experience when you are legitimately scared, and are a natural process of your bodies 'fight or flight' reaction to danger.
When they occur without any reasonable explanation however, they are more likely to be the symptoms of an anxiety disorder, and if you are having them often, it's a good idea to seek a professional diagnosis.
Panic disorders are treatable, and there's no reason to suffer in silence!
To make it a little easier for you to discern whether the problems you're experiencing might be anxiety attack symptoms, or whether they're something else entirely, we've collected a few of the more common ones here for you.
Palpitations One of the most common anxiety symptoms, palpitations, or a racing, fast beating heart, can sometimes feel like a heart attack.
In fact, many undiagnosed panic attack sufferers end up in the emergency room thanks to this particular symptom.
Of course, it's normal for your heart to race in some situations, if it's excessive, or there's no clear trigger, you may be experiencing anxiety symptoms.
Sweaty Palms or Difficulty Breathing If you've ever spoken in public, chances are you experienced sweaty palms before your big speech.
That's quite normal, but if you're having sweaty palms without a clear reason, you may be experiencing another of the common anxiety symptoms.
Difficulty breathing, or hyperventilating, are more common symptoms of anxiety you may want to look out for.
The feeling that your throat is closing, and you can't seem to get enough air in your lungs is scary, and in the absence of a medical problem, like asthma, it may indicate a panic disorder.
An Overwhelming Feeling of Dread This is one of the most clear anxiety symptoms out there - for no apparent, or a minor, reason, you suddenly begin to feel a complete, overwhelming feeling of dread.
This type of fear is almost palpable - think standing on the principle's carpet, and multiply it by ten and you may have an idea what I mean! Feeling Cold or Flushed A sudden chill or an unexplained feeling of being flushed or hot, may also be anxiety symptoms.
If you've ever experienced these, for example when practicing sports, or watching a horror movie, you'll know what I mean, but if there's no clear reason for them, you might be having symptoms of anxiety.
Nausea or Cramps You've probably felt that sinking in the pit of your stomach when something scary happens.
If you often experience unexplained nausea or cramps though, they might just be anxiety symptoms.
Of course, with this, as with other symptoms, it's always a good idea to check for physical causes, particularly if you're not experiencing any other anxiety symptoms.
Nearly all of the common anxiety symptoms are those you would experience when you are legitimately scared, and are a natural process of your bodies 'fight or flight' reaction to danger.
When they occur without any reasonable explanation however, they are more likely to be the symptoms of an anxiety disorder, and if you are having them often, it's a good idea to seek a professional diagnosis.
Panic disorders are treatable, and there's no reason to suffer in silence!