Use it or Lose It
Putting sex on the back burner may not be good for your sexual health or your health in general. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that 30% of women in their 40s and 50% of women in their 50s hadn’t had sex in the previous year. Lack of sex is one of the major complaints about lesbian relationships.
But not having sex, can lead to physical problems, like painful sex, itching, dryness and vaginal burning.
As women age, their estrogen levels drop and that can cause the vaginal walls to become thinner. By having sex and keeping the vagina walls moisturized and active you can counter some of the negative effects of the natural aging process.
Also, having sex seems to keep your libido intact. Like other parts of our bodies and our brains, the less we utilize our sexual organs, the more stagnant they become. Dr. Carol Queen suggests women who do not have an active partner, find a way to self-stimulate via masturbation to keep the sexual response cycle active. Use non-hormonal vaginal moisturizers and lubrication for sexual activity.
Be sure to talk to your doctor if you’re sending that things are not right with your vaginal health.