Outdoor Banners - Achieve the Highest Impact With the Proper Mix of Art and Science
The key to a great outdoor banner is gaining attention and maximizing impact after you have their attention.
It is not something done haphazardly, but a mix of art and science that is gained after many years of experience.
The art part of it is finding the right combination of simplicity and reader appeal.
The science part of it deals with ensuring the letters and images are large enough to be readable and have the proper impact on the reader.
If the banner design has attracted someone's attention but they are too far away to read the message or discern what the images are conveying, then you have lost the return on your promotional investment.
The best bet is to have a checklist setup when designing an outdoor banner to maximize return.
This is the one we use in our graphics business.
Let's do an example using the 200 feet as the distance.
The message will be a combination of words and images that include a 40" X 40" logo for "Joe's Gym" and the words "FREE 7 DAY PASS CALL 777-7777".
We will place the logo on the left and stack the text in two lines just to the right of the Joe's Gym Logo.
With line spacing, ensuring clear space top and bottom and 20 inch height for the text we end up at 48" or 4 feet tall for the banner.
With the logo and proper horizontal spacing for the lettering we end up at just under 20 feet wide.
Now we have determined the dimensions for the banner to have maximum impact.
Next step is to ensure there is enough space on the north wall to fit a 4' x 20' outdoor banner.
By following this checklist and implementing the right mix of art and science, your customers will be assured of the best return on their promotional investment.
It is not something done haphazardly, but a mix of art and science that is gained after many years of experience.
The art part of it is finding the right combination of simplicity and reader appeal.
The science part of it deals with ensuring the letters and images are large enough to be readable and have the proper impact on the reader.
If the banner design has attracted someone's attention but they are too far away to read the message or discern what the images are conveying, then you have lost the return on your promotional investment.
The best bet is to have a checklist setup when designing an outdoor banner to maximize return.
This is the one we use in our graphics business.
- Measure the distance from the potential location of the banner and the highest traffic area that you want to cover.
- Ensure there are no physical barriers, such as trees, obscuring your message from any of the high traffic angles.
- Determine the content/message you want to convey while keeping it simple and having impact during a single glance.
- Determine the mix of images and words you will use to gain attention and have impact on the reader.
- Determine the size of the letters and images based on the distance from the location to the high traffic area you are targeting.
For example, let's say there is a major 4-way intersection 200 feet from the north wall of your building.
To determine the banner size you first need to determine the size of the letters and images making up the message.
In the case of 200 feet, the letters on a banner would need to be 20" tall to maximize the impact of the banner.
Any images would need to be a corresponding size to the letters.
A 20" letter is readable from 750 to 800 feet, but does not maximize the impact of the message at that distance.
Let's do an example using the 200 feet as the distance.
The message will be a combination of words and images that include a 40" X 40" logo for "Joe's Gym" and the words "FREE 7 DAY PASS CALL 777-7777".
We will place the logo on the left and stack the text in two lines just to the right of the Joe's Gym Logo.
With line spacing, ensuring clear space top and bottom and 20 inch height for the text we end up at 48" or 4 feet tall for the banner.
With the logo and proper horizontal spacing for the lettering we end up at just under 20 feet wide.
Now we have determined the dimensions for the banner to have maximum impact.
Next step is to ensure there is enough space on the north wall to fit a 4' x 20' outdoor banner.
By following this checklist and implementing the right mix of art and science, your customers will be assured of the best return on their promotional investment.