Fresh Water Fish Information and Food Information
Freshwater aquarium fish are some of the most popular pet fish around.
They are particularly well suited for the beginner fish-owner who wouldn't be able to quite handle a saltwater tank.
But, what makes freshwater? What kinds of freshwater aquarium fish can you add to your new aquarium? All wonderful questions that will be answered! Freshwater is basically any water that is naturally occurring in the earth's surface such as bogs, ponds, rivers, lakes, and streams.
Some fish that thrive in groundwater will also be considered freshwater fish as well.
This freshwater is usually known to have low concentrations of salts and other dissolved solids.
Making freshwater tanks far easier for people to maintain than a saltwater aquarium, because these balances are easier to obtain.
Some of the fish you will find at your local fish store for your freshwater tank are: A betta (or fighting fish) Gourami Archerfish Silver arowana African butterfly fish Catfish Tetras Cichlids Cyprinids (or barbs) Hatchet fish Killifish Guppy Mollies Swordtails There will always be owners who have opinions on live food vs.
pellet food when feeding their turtles.
However, it is recommended that you feed your turtle both for a healthy diet.
While it is possible for you to feed them one or another; it is better to give them a little bit of both to encourage a happy and happy turtle from its shell.
Commercial turtle food (pellets) is thought to be a staple in a captive turtle's diet.
This is because they are specially formulated to give a turtle what it needs to survive.
It also allows you to give them the vitamins and nutrients that your turtle needs; especially since they won't always get the vitamins that they normally would from the sun.
Live food is used to supplement the diet of a turtle in many cases.
It can include crickets, goldfish, guppies, earthworms, meal worms, maggots, fruits, and vegetables.
All of which are a wonderful way of maintaining a happy, healthy turtle in the long run.
So, live food vs.
pellet food? Why? You should get both!
They are particularly well suited for the beginner fish-owner who wouldn't be able to quite handle a saltwater tank.
But, what makes freshwater? What kinds of freshwater aquarium fish can you add to your new aquarium? All wonderful questions that will be answered! Freshwater is basically any water that is naturally occurring in the earth's surface such as bogs, ponds, rivers, lakes, and streams.
Some fish that thrive in groundwater will also be considered freshwater fish as well.
This freshwater is usually known to have low concentrations of salts and other dissolved solids.
Making freshwater tanks far easier for people to maintain than a saltwater aquarium, because these balances are easier to obtain.
Some of the fish you will find at your local fish store for your freshwater tank are: A betta (or fighting fish) Gourami Archerfish Silver arowana African butterfly fish Catfish Tetras Cichlids Cyprinids (or barbs) Hatchet fish Killifish Guppy Mollies Swordtails There will always be owners who have opinions on live food vs.
pellet food when feeding their turtles.
However, it is recommended that you feed your turtle both for a healthy diet.
While it is possible for you to feed them one or another; it is better to give them a little bit of both to encourage a happy and happy turtle from its shell.
Commercial turtle food (pellets) is thought to be a staple in a captive turtle's diet.
This is because they are specially formulated to give a turtle what it needs to survive.
It also allows you to give them the vitamins and nutrients that your turtle needs; especially since they won't always get the vitamins that they normally would from the sun.
Live food is used to supplement the diet of a turtle in many cases.
It can include crickets, goldfish, guppies, earthworms, meal worms, maggots, fruits, and vegetables.
All of which are a wonderful way of maintaining a happy, healthy turtle in the long run.
So, live food vs.
pellet food? Why? You should get both!