Colors of the Schnauzer
- Black probably is the easiest Schnauzer color to recognize. The best black Schnauzers have a rich, pure black coat, with black pigmentation of the skin. For a black Schnauzer to be of show quality, it must have a black wiry topcoat as well as a black undercoat. There should be no fading, discoloration, or grey or tan hairs mixed into the fur.
- The distinctive colors of these Schnauzers result from black and white banded fur. If you look closely, you will see that many individual strands are striped black and white. There also are non-banded black and white hairs. This coloring can be light or dark, and the dog may have tan shadings in its topcoat. Around the eyebrows, whiskers, cheeks, underbody and inner ears, the coloring fades to light grey, silver or white.
- This color is seen in only miniature Schnauzers. Black and silver Schnauzers have a two-toned coat that is similar to the black and tan color in other breeds, like the Doberman. According to Schnauzer Lover, Schnauzers have a special gene, known as the chinchilla gene, that fades the tan to silver. A black and silver is mostly black, with silver accents on its chest, face, underbelly and inner legs.
- Only three colors are recognized officially, but Schnauzers have been bred in other colors for centuries. Some of these include white, chocolate, liver, red and blue. Schnauzers can have one solid color, or they can have two colors. You might see a black and white Schnauzer, or a tan and black one. Whatever color your Schnauzer is, you must take good care of its coat to keep the hair wiry.
Pure Black
Pepper and Salt
Black and Silver
Other Colors