How to Remove Stick On Kitchen Floor Tiles
- 1). Pry up the edges of a few tiles with a utility knife to check the adhesive. Place the tip of the utility knife just beneath the edge of the tiles, and lift upward. If the tile comes up easily, continue pushing with the knife until it comes up entirely.
- 2). Use a long-handled floor scraper to remove tiles that are well adhered to the floor. Insert the edge of the floor scraper beneath the tile edge you pulled up with the utility knife and stand with the scraper angled downward to the floor. Push down and under the tile with short bursts of motion until the tile and its adhesive begins to come up.
- 3). Apply heat to sections of tile that are resisting the floor scraper. Place a damp washcloth over the tile and lay a hot iron on top for a few minutes. Test the adhesive with the floor scraper every 3 to 4 minutes until it is soft enough to remove.
- 4). Remove any left over adhesive that is stuck to the subfloor with the floor scraper. If an area of adhesive will not come up easily, hold the iron approximately 2 inches above it until the adhesive softens. Do not place hot iron directly on top of the adhesive.