Ensalada Chilena - Chilean Salad
This simple tomato and onion salad is a favorite found everywhere in Chile.
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Soak the onion in salted boiling water. This softens and removes some of the sharpness from the onion.
Wash, peel and slice the tomatoes. Finely chop the cilantro. Drain and rinse the onion, squeezing out all the water. Add to the tomatoes and cilantro and dress with oil and salt to taste.
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- 4 Tomates medianamente maduros - 4 ripe tomatoes
- 1 Cebolla mediana cortada en juliana - 1 medium onion sliced julienne style
- 1 Ramito de Cilantro - cilantro
- Sal - salt to taste
- Aceite - oil, preferably olive
Se pone la cebolla a amortiguar en agua hirviendo con sal. Mientras tanto se pelan los tomates y y se cortan en rodelas. Se pica en cilantro muy finito. Se deshagua la cebolla y se lava muy bien, apretandola con las manos y pasandola por el chorro de agua fría. Se junta todo, y se aliña con aceite y sal.Soak the onion in salted boiling water. This softens and removes some of the sharpness from the onion.
Wash, peel and slice the tomatoes. Finely chop the cilantro. Drain and rinse the onion, squeezing out all the water. Add to the tomatoes and cilantro and dress with oil and salt to taste.