Independence Day Reflections
America's Founding Fathers were well aware that simply declaring our independence from the most powerful empire on the planet in 1776 was relatively easy.
They also knew that accomplishing that resolve could result in the loss of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor and that it definitely would involve shedding a great deal of American blood, sweat, and tears, which the Revolutionary War proved all too correct.
How far we've fallen from that initial dedication to freedom at all costs, that commitment to independence from an oppressive government, that refusal to allow alien oppression to subvert our most fundamental, unalienable, human rights!
Today, the United States of America is confronted by threats of Islamic terrorist assaults on our soil during an ongoing war our commander in chief refuses to admit even exists. With the blessings of God, not Allah, we can and will defeat our enemy and then feel free to cringe and smirk at a religion that beheads anyone who doesn't worship Allah and which believes women should be forbidden to be near bananas, cucumbers, carrots, and zucchinis to avoid sexual arousal.
We are also beset by nominal Americans who pose far worse threats to our survival than berserk Muslims insanely obsessed with vengeance for the Crusades, terminally distressed over Islam's inability to evolve and so sexually and developmentally-arrested that it fears fruits and vegetables.
Nominal Americans represent the antithesis of the Founders.
Instead of uniting the nation, they are dedicated to divisiveness. Instead of praising our country, they demean it. Instead of defending and working to perfect America, they attack and ridicule it at every turn.
We all know who those un-American dissidents are and, unfortunately, they are legion.
Those un-sworn enemies of America include President Barack Hussein Obama, always-disaffected Leftists such as George Soros and Chris Matthews, extremist black nationalists such as Louis Farrakhan and the New Black Panther Party and their mainstream mouthpieces, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright, radical labor unions such as the SEIU and the NEA, Hollywood's elitists such as George Clooney and Sean Penn, and many Democrat legislators such as Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.
Knowingly or unknowingly, they and many more consistently divide, demean, attack, and undermine the country that affords them the right to dissent under the guise of constructive, liberal criticism or, in the cases of the NBPP and the Nation of Islam, an assumed right to stage bloody revolution.
With a general election scheduled 122 days from now, Americans will soon have the opportunity to reverse our four year decline as an international economic power and moral leader and to re-establish our nation as exceptional in this troubled world.
Reversing the downward course of the nation can begin on November 6th by sending Obama back to Chicago or Honolulu or to wherever he came from. Next year, President Mitt Romney can help honor July Fourth by celebrating America's freedom in lieu of conducting a naturalization ceremony at the White House.
Reversing the mindsets of our other unsworn enemies will be a greater challenge.
How does one go about convincing Chris Matthews that he should be tingled by the greatness of America and not by a presidential presence?
How do we persuade the NBPP and their ilk that they are the luckiest black people on the face of the Earth and not downtrodden and repressed except in their own disturbed minds?
How can we get the NEA to focus on its mission of educating America's children and not indoctrinate them with liberal propaganda and undermine our educational system?
How can we sway George Clooney et al. to use their celebrity and wealth to advance America's cause instead of using it to promote liberal anti-Americanism?
How can we induce producer Aaron Sorkin to love his country instead of slamming it on Independence Day or comedian Chris Rock to appreciate the meaning of that national holiday instead of characterizing July 4th as €happy white peoples' independence day€ or teach local officials in Mineral Wells, Texas that proudly displaying America's flag is always appropriate?
The answer to all of the above rhetorical questions is: probably never.
However, until Election Day we can take some comfort and great delight in news reports that the Marine Corps (NOT €corpse,€ Mr. Obama) band saw fit to strike up a Mitt Romney campaign song, Rodney Atkins' €It's America,€ while the president was greeting visitors on Wednesday.
God is good and so are the Marines!
They also knew that accomplishing that resolve could result in the loss of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor and that it definitely would involve shedding a great deal of American blood, sweat, and tears, which the Revolutionary War proved all too correct.
How far we've fallen from that initial dedication to freedom at all costs, that commitment to independence from an oppressive government, that refusal to allow alien oppression to subvert our most fundamental, unalienable, human rights!
Today, the United States of America is confronted by threats of Islamic terrorist assaults on our soil during an ongoing war our commander in chief refuses to admit even exists. With the blessings of God, not Allah, we can and will defeat our enemy and then feel free to cringe and smirk at a religion that beheads anyone who doesn't worship Allah and which believes women should be forbidden to be near bananas, cucumbers, carrots, and zucchinis to avoid sexual arousal.
We are also beset by nominal Americans who pose far worse threats to our survival than berserk Muslims insanely obsessed with vengeance for the Crusades, terminally distressed over Islam's inability to evolve and so sexually and developmentally-arrested that it fears fruits and vegetables.
Nominal Americans represent the antithesis of the Founders.
Instead of uniting the nation, they are dedicated to divisiveness. Instead of praising our country, they demean it. Instead of defending and working to perfect America, they attack and ridicule it at every turn.
We all know who those un-American dissidents are and, unfortunately, they are legion.
Those un-sworn enemies of America include President Barack Hussein Obama, always-disaffected Leftists such as George Soros and Chris Matthews, extremist black nationalists such as Louis Farrakhan and the New Black Panther Party and their mainstream mouthpieces, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright, radical labor unions such as the SEIU and the NEA, Hollywood's elitists such as George Clooney and Sean Penn, and many Democrat legislators such as Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.
Knowingly or unknowingly, they and many more consistently divide, demean, attack, and undermine the country that affords them the right to dissent under the guise of constructive, liberal criticism or, in the cases of the NBPP and the Nation of Islam, an assumed right to stage bloody revolution.
With a general election scheduled 122 days from now, Americans will soon have the opportunity to reverse our four year decline as an international economic power and moral leader and to re-establish our nation as exceptional in this troubled world.
Reversing the downward course of the nation can begin on November 6th by sending Obama back to Chicago or Honolulu or to wherever he came from. Next year, President Mitt Romney can help honor July Fourth by celebrating America's freedom in lieu of conducting a naturalization ceremony at the White House.
Reversing the mindsets of our other unsworn enemies will be a greater challenge.
How does one go about convincing Chris Matthews that he should be tingled by the greatness of America and not by a presidential presence?
How do we persuade the NBPP and their ilk that they are the luckiest black people on the face of the Earth and not downtrodden and repressed except in their own disturbed minds?
How can we get the NEA to focus on its mission of educating America's children and not indoctrinate them with liberal propaganda and undermine our educational system?
How can we sway George Clooney et al. to use their celebrity and wealth to advance America's cause instead of using it to promote liberal anti-Americanism?
How can we induce producer Aaron Sorkin to love his country instead of slamming it on Independence Day or comedian Chris Rock to appreciate the meaning of that national holiday instead of characterizing July 4th as €happy white peoples' independence day€ or teach local officials in Mineral Wells, Texas that proudly displaying America's flag is always appropriate?
The answer to all of the above rhetorical questions is: probably never.
However, until Election Day we can take some comfort and great delight in news reports that the Marine Corps (NOT €corpse,€ Mr. Obama) band saw fit to strike up a Mitt Romney campaign song, Rodney Atkins' €It's America,€ while the president was greeting visitors on Wednesday.
God is good and so are the Marines!